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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Content>Magic>Magic Systems>Vancian (Fire & Forget)>Prepared Model
Prepared Casting (Vancian)  


Prepared Casting Wizardry Variant: Elementalism Variant: Dominine
Variant: Animine Variant: Sortilege Variant: Stregari  
GM Notes on Prepared Casting (Vancian)
Practitioners of a Prepared Casting Magic System use the "Prepared Casting" Model, which is VPP Based.
Practitioners of a Prepared Casting Magic System learn to cast Magical Effects, usually called Spells, often making use of props such as incantations, gestures, material components, etc. to assist them in the use of their Magic.
Practitioners go through various levels of understanding and capability as they advance; as they gain experience their ability to manipulate the metaphysical Laws of Magic increases, as does the mental endurance required to focus their will. Essentially, as they progress their ability to cast larger and more powerful Spells increases assuming they spend Experience Points accordingly.
Practitioners of a Prepared Casting Magic System have an Expanded Real Cost Limit on their Magic VPP's; they may prepare Spells with a Real Cost equal to or less than their Magic VPP Pool x  3 (RC Limit = Pool x3) each day. The Pool size is still the upper limit on Active Points however.
EXAMPLE: Vardik is a moderately skilled practitioner of a Prepared Casting Magic System with a 90 Pool Magic VPP; she may prepare up to 270 Real Cost worth of Spells each day, all of which must have 90 or less Active Points.
This option is in effect in my campaigns with permission
As an option, a GM might allow Characters to extend the Real Cost limit for their Prepared Casting VPP even further that the 3x multiple provided. This should be carefully considered, as it might prove to be abusive depending upon the overall power level of the campaign.
If this is permitted, Characters can purchase a Custom Talent that increases their Expanded Real Cost limit by one more multiple for each level purchased; thus the first level would increase the multiple to x4, the second to x5, and so on. Each level of the Custom Talent, shown below, has a Real Cost of 5 points.
Increased Real Cost Limit (IRCL): This custom Talent increases the Real Cost multiple of a Character's Prepared Casting VPP by one.
Real Cost: 5 points
If this is allowed, it is recommended that a cap be in effect according to the formula provided below. As always, the result is rounded in the Character's favor, thus a Character with 300-499 Character Points can have up to two levels of the IRCL Talent, increasing their Real Cost multiple to x5.
IRCL Talent Cap:  (Total Character Points / 200)
Each practitioner has a list of Known Spells which are learned via the use of topical Magic School Skills as described below.
Spells are ranked by Spell Level; some GMs may prefer to refer to this concept in variant ways, such as Spell Circles, Spell Houses, or Spell Ranks to avoid confusion stemming from the overloaded use of the word "Level", or simply to add more flavor. Each Spell Level starting at Spell Level 0 has 15 Active Points more than the Spell Level before it.
Thus a Level 0 Spell is between 1-15 AP, 1st Level Spells are between 16-30 AP, 2nd Level Spells are between 31-45 AP and so on as indicated on the adjoining table..
*Level 0 Spells are often called "cantrips".
Each player of a practitioner of a Prepared Casting Magic System must keep a list of all the Spells that their character knows, including Spell write ups. On any given in-character day they must allocate Spells to their character's VPP, but all of the Spells must be chosen from their character's Known Spell List. Spells on this list can be referred to as "Spell Slots" out-of-character.
Each type of Magic System that uses the Prepared Casting model will define a means to learn and or create new Spells to a character's Known Spell List, and also any limits on how many or what kind of Spells are valid for practitioners of that type of Magic.
Each type of Magic System that uses the Prepared Costing model will define their VPP a little differently. However the following Limitations upon the Control Cost are mandatory.
  • *Either
    • Only Arcane Magic (-1/2)
    • Only Divine Magic (-1/2)
  • All Spells Must Have 1 Charge (-1/4)
With GM Permission a character could buy off -1/4 of the "Only Arcane Magic" or "Only Divine Magic" Limitation, allowing them to have both "Arcane" and "Divine" Spells in the same Magic VPP. This would only be appropriate if the character met the criteria for being a Divine Spellcaster (worships some entity or deity which grants Divine Spells).
This might be allowed in the case of a practitioner of Prepared Casting that is also a Priest of a God of Magic (or vice versa) for instance. However, the potential for abuse is very high with this option; a high level practitioner of a Prepared Casting Magic System could buy off the "Only Arcane Magic" restriction and suddenly also be a very powerful Divine caster, and vice versa.
Despite the risk of abuse, the cost involved and the limiting factor of how many Spells the character could have in their Magic VPP at any given time both help minimize the abusiveness of this option. To prevent a practitioner of a Prepared Casting Magic System going from knowing absolutely zero Divine Spells to potentially knowing many Divine Spells by simply buying off a -1/4 Limitation, a GM might consider allowing a character to buy off the Limitation on up to 15 Pool (one Spell Level) at a time, with corresponding in-character events as the impetus.
It is worth adding extra stress to the idea that this particular option should be heavily controlled by the GM. It is perhaps the single easiest way to make a practitioner of a Prepared Casting Magic System instantly too powerful if not strictly curtailed to only-when-it-makes-sense occasions.