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Skip Navigation LinksContent>Magic>Magic Systems>Validus Familiaritas>Troubadourus>Troubadour
Validus Familiaritas


Troubadourus System Troubadours Troubadourus Variations
Instrument Powers Troubadour Package Deals  
Troubadourus (true-BA-door-US) is a type of Arcane Magic that uses music played from various instruments as the origin of various Magical effects. Troubadours (true-BA-doors) are a diverse group with very few similarities with one another or set stereotypes beyond their common ground as practitioners of the same Magical art.
An open Magic System, Troubadourus is pursued by musicians of various sorts. In some settings or regions within a setting Troubadours may have some kind of organization, or benefit from some sort of special social status. In others they might be nothing more than wandering minstrels each making their own way in the world as best they can.
A player can expect their Troubadour to start off strong, but their powerbase does not extend upwards, only outwards. They can get more abilities, but they are all of roughly the same strength. However, these abilities are extremely inexpensive cost wise and a Troubadour can have a modest complement of Magical abilities and still have points for other capabilities.
Means to Power
Troubadour work Magic by using the musical properties of various instruments to focus different sorts of Magical effects. This is a form of Arcane Magic but it can be either inherent or learned as preferred by individual GM's.
Troubadour work Magic via Instrument Powers as described in the Troubadourus System document.
 Instrument Powers are a Troubadour's primary abilities, and the true determiner of how powerful and capable an individual Troubadour is within the context of their Magic System.
However Troubadourus mixes well with other Professional pursuits by design and individual Troubadours are encouraged to take as many or as few Instrument Familiarities as they prefer and can afford, unless a GM is placing some arbitrary minimum or maximum limits within their campaign.
What exactly indicates "Master" Troubadour status might vary from setting to setting, or even from region to region within the same setting, and Troubadourus is difficult to measure in terms of simple points to begin with.
However, as a rule of thumb a character that has an Instrument Lore Skill of at least 15-, an average of 12- for their various Performance Skills, and has spent at least 60 points on Troubadourus (split in any fashion between Instrument Familiarities and Special Powers), and has at least one full Instrument set can be considered to be a "Master" Troubadour.
Though it isn't a requirement, many Troubadours will tend to have various Interaction Skills such as Conversation, Persuasion, and Oratory as they can be very helpful to their careers. Further, Troubadours also frequently benefit from either Streetwise or High Society or both, depending on what circles they move in. Knowledge Skills and Languages are also useful.
Though it isn't a requirement, most Troubadours would benefit from using the various Skill Enhancers, particularly Jack of All Trades as it reduces the cost of knowing many different Performance Professional Skills
Jack of All Trades: Skill Enhancer
Real Cost: 3 points
By default Troubadour may not have Endurance Reserves for use with their Totem Gift. Individual GM's might waive this restriction, but should note that the impact of Endurance costs for their abilities is intended to be the primary control factor of the Magic System; allowing Troubadours to circumvent this check will result in the Magic System being significantly more powerful due to the frequency and volume of individual Power activations.
As noted in the Troubadourus System, Troubadours can wear cloth and leather armor by default and since their Magic System affords few opportunities for mystical protection most probably should wear some or have an alternative means of damage mitigation such as Combat Luck and / or high DCV.
Many Troubadour take the Mage Sight Talent as described in Fantasy HERO for 5th Edition at least at the five (5) point level, or some equivalent ability to make it easier for them to sense and interact with Magic since the Magic Style itself does not provide an ability to do so or the means to circumvent the lacking of such an ability.. However this isn't required; it is simply a convenience.
Troubadours may take Life Support (Longevity) at up to the ~200 year level, unless the GM prefers to disallow this.
Working with Magic marks Troubadours in subtle ways, and they have a recognizable aura that is detectable by those with appropriate senses. Troubadour should take the following Disadvantage.
DF: Troubadour (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
Disadvantage Value: -5 points
Learning Powers
To Learn an Instrument Power, a Troubadour must have enough character points to spend on the Familiarity for that Instrument Power and must spend a number of hours equal to the Active Points of the Instrument Power in contemplation and creative musical experimentation.
At the end of this jam session, the Troubadour makes a Troubadour Lore Skill Roll at a penalty of -1 per 10 Active Points of the Instrument Power in question, plus an additional -2 penalty if the Troubadour does not already have a Power from that Instrument set.
If the Troubadour Lore Skill roll is successful, the Troubadour may add the Familiarity for that Instrument Power to their character sheet; if it is failed they may not try to learn that Instrument Power again until their Troubadour Lore Skill roll is at least one level higher than it currently is.
A Troubadour may take twice as long to learn a Power, with each doubling of time resulting in a cumulative +1 to the roll.
As noted previously there are restrictions on the order in which Familiarities are learned.
Creating New Powers
Troubadourus is a closed system of Magic and practitioners lack the ability to create new Powers for no Disadvantage points.