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Skip Navigation LinksContent>Magic>Magic Systems>Vancian (Fire & Forget)>Spontaneous Model>Sorcery
Spontaneous Casting


Sorcery System Sorcerer Sorcerer Package Deals
Sample Sorcery Spells Variant: Elementalism Variant: Sortilege
Variant: Stregari    
The following links provide the information applicable to the Sorcery Magic System
  • VARIANT MAGIC SYSTEMS: The following variant Magic Systems can all use Arcanis Magnicus as their base, overriding and extending it as necessary to accomplish a distinct look, feel, and functionality.
    • ELEMENTALISM: This variant Magic System is usable with any of the three Casting Models, and represents Vancian Spellcasters that organize Magic by the four classic elements of Air, Earth, Fire, Water.
    • STREGARI: This variant Magic System is usable with any of the three Casting Models, and represents Vancian Spellcasters that have more of a Witch / Warlock / Hedge Wizard feel.
    • SORTILEGE: This variant Magic System is usable with any of the three Casting Models, and represents Vancian Spellcasters that take the unusual approach of organizing Magic through the concept of Interaction Skills. Very useful for an alternate sort of Bard Magic.
    • DOMININE: This variant Magic System is an essentially direct translation of D&D 3e Cleric Magic, complete with Domains. It can be used with either of the Prepared and Gestalt Casting Models.
    • ANIMINE: This variant Magic System is an essentially direct translation of D&D 3e Druid Magic, complete with Domains. It can be used with either of the Prepared and Gestalt Casting Models.