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Prepared Casting


Wizardry System Wizards Wizard Package Deals
Sample Wizardry Spells Variant: Elementalism Variant: Dominine
Variant: Animine Variant: Sortilege Variant: Stregari
Sample Wizard: Yortheon Malafrid
A staple of many Fantasy settings, Wizards (WHIZ-ardz) are powerful complements to any adventuring group. One of the most flexible of Professions, no two Wizards need be the same. Each Wizard's personal ability set is a story just waiting to be told; the best Wizard characters have abilities backed up by a detailed background establishing why a particular Wizard is more of an expert at subtle Enchantments than at bold Conjurations, or has much more experience with pyrotechnic displays of force than with form manipulation Magic and so forth.
Compared to other Professions Wizards emphasize factual knowledge and the application of power; they are the embodiment of the Knowledge = Power concept in fact. Wizards often rely on Magical devices such as Wands, Scrolls, and Staffs but always have their Spell repertoire to fall back on in a pinch.
Though initially frail and generally ineffective compared to most other Professions due to the steep point costs of their Magic abilities, a Wizard is like a fine wine improving with age. While other characters peak and eventually plummet into old age a Wizard picks up steam until the end of their days. An old Wizard is a thing to fear, whereas an old Warrior is a thing to pity.
A player can expect their Wizard to have a difficult time of it initially, and to be challenged by the steep price of escalating their Magical capability, but can rest assured that the payoff will be worth the struggle.
Means to Power
Wizardry uses the Prepared Casting model
Wizards learn to cast Spells, often making use of props such as incantations, gestures, material components, etc. to assist them in the casting of their Magic. Wizards go through various levels of understanding and capability as they advance. As they gain experience, their ability to manipulate the metaphysical Laws of Magic increases, as does the mental endurance required to focus their will. Essentially, as they progress their ability to cast larger and more powerful Spells increases.
Wizards use the "Prepared Casting" Model, which is VPP Based. The size of a Wizards VPP Pool determines both how many Spells they can cast in a given day, and how powerful those Spells can be. Thus it is imperative for a serious Wizard to invest as many points as possible into increasing the size of their VPP. As a rule of thumb about 60% of a Wizards Experience should be dedicated to increasing their VPP.
Each Wizard has a list of Known Spells which are learned via the use of topical Magic School Skills as described below. It is in a Wizard's best interests to know as many Spells as possible, for even though they must prepare their Spells in advance and thus can't necessarily use every Spell they know in a given day, having a large repertoire to choose from makes a Wizard flexible and adaptable.
Wizards have developed a structured approach to Magic based around the Theory of Effects, categorizing the study of Magic into "Schools" organized according to the end effects of a Spell. In other words, Wizards very practically organize their Spells  by classifying what they actually do, regardless of the "how".
The following table summarizes the general focus of each Spell School. These Spell Schools are used to learn new Spells to a Wizard's Known Spell List and to create new Spells, but never to cast a Spell. Learning and Creating Spells is covered in detail later.
Also included in the table are Item Creation Skills that Wizards can use to create Magic Items, which is discussed in more detail later.
School School
Abjuration KS: Abjuration Spells which ward, protect, dispel, or cast out.
A straightforward, practical, and very focused School. Augmentative (by granting protection from harm), this School is also the most direct way to counter the abilities of opponents.
Signature Spells: Alarm, Banishment, Dispel Magic, Guards & Wards, Protection from Spells
Conjuration KS: Conjuration Spells which Summon an entity from the caster's Plane, Call an other-worldly entity to the caster's Plane, Create new temporary objects or substances from thin air, or create passageways thru the higher dimensions.
A complex and diverse School, with a lot of offensive capability but also some utility Spells.
Signature Spells: Acid Arrow, Cloudkill, Conjured Blade, Phasedoor, Planar Binding, Summon Monster (I-IX)
Divination KS: Divination Spells that provide information, knowledge, or awareness.
Perhaps the most focused of the Schools, and the most overlooked. Providing no offense or defense, and in fact having no measurable effect other than in the mind of the caster or those included by the Spell, Divinatory Magic can nontheless be incredibly enabling.
Signature Spells: Analyze Foe, Clairvoyance, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Foresight, Legend Lore, Scrying, True Seeing, True Strike
Enchantment KS: Enchantment Spells that affect the minds or behavior of others, either via subtle (Charm) or overt (Compulsion) means.
A much misunderstood school, many people confuse the term "Enchant" with the idea of "Enchanting" Magic Items. Enchantment is a passive-aggressive School, with Spells that usurp will and control from sentient targets through often subtle means.
Signature Spells: Charm Person, Domination, Feeblemind, Hold Person, Suggestion
Evocation KS: Evocation Spells that manipulate energy, including pure Magical Force.
The flashiest and most offensive of schools, Evocation is direct and very powerful, but not very subtle or flexible. Excelling at destruction and inflicting damage, Evocation also has some defensive capability and some utility spells via its ability to create Force structures.
Signature Spells: Chain Lightining, Fireball, Fire Shield, Force Sculpture, Force Wall, Magic Missile, Meteor Swarm, Wall of Fire
Illusion KS: Illusion Spells that affect the senses of others, either via altering the sensory characterisitics of an existing thing (Glamer), creating false sensory input either visibly (Figment, Pattern) or directly in the minds of others (Phantasm), or semi-real constructs that can have a measurable physical effect structured from material from the Transitive Plane of Shadow (Shadow). Illusion also has some spells that manipulate or interact with the Transitive Plane of Shadow directly.
The sister School to Enchantment, Illusion is one of the more complex and difficult to understand Schools of Magic. Lacking the direct physical effects of the less conceptual Schools, Illusion can nonetheless be used offensively, defensively, and augmentively.
Signature Spells: Blur, Color Spray, Hallucinatory Terrain, Images, Invisibility, Mirror Images, Shadow Evocation
Necromancy KS: Necromancy Spells that manipulate life force, the flesh of organic beings, energies from the Plane of Negative Energy, and all things to do with the Undead.
In many ways Necromancy is a meta-School, combining elements of all the other Schools applied to a particular pursuit. It has some Spells that fit the definition of Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, or Transmutation, but which are classified as Necromancy due to the fact that they pertain to the Undead or Negative Energy. Subsequently, Necromancy is a very self-sufficient School with many "toolbox" style Spells that have a very specific and narrow use.
Signature Spells: Call Vampire, Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Control Undead, Create Flesh Golem, Disrupt Undead, Enervation, Halt Undead, Raise Zombie Horde, Ray of Enfeeblement, Wail of the Banshee
Transmutation KS: Transmutation Spells that alter or enhance the properties of objects, creatures, or physical laws of reality.
The most practical and utility-oriented School, Transmutation Spells come in endless variations. Perhaps the most diverse of Schools, it's also one of the easier to understand; its purpose is to reorder the world to suit the Caster's current wishes. It is the ultimate augmentative School, and can indirectly provide offensive and defensive effects as well.
Signature Spells: Bull's Strength, Change Self, Craft Iron Golem, Disintegrate, Fabricate, Fly, Make Catman, Polymorph, Stone Skin, Water Breathing
Univeral Casters Best
School Skill
Spells that combine elements of several Schools, affect Magic directly, or involve concepts so basic that Magic Use would not be possible without them.
The Universal group contains Spells that belong to no one School and encompasses both the most powerful and the most unassuming of Spells. All Spells dealing with the manipulation of Luck or Time, direct crossing of Dimensional boundaries, or the powerful reality warping Wish Magics fall into Universal, alongside the most rudimentary building blocks of Wizardry.
Signature Spells: Arcane Mark, Astral Projection, Clone, Detect Magic, Ethrealness, Lucubration, Plane Shift, Read Magic, Symbol, Teleportation, Time Stop, Wish
Item Creation Skills
Artificing KS: Artificing Used to create Magic Rings, Staves, Miscellaneous Magic Items, Weapons, Armor, and other Permanent Magic items.
Scroll Scribing KS: Scroll Scribing Used to create Magic Scrolls holding a readied Spell needing only a few words or a gesture (or the equivalent) to complete. Can also be used to transfer Spells from one caster to another. (Ephemeral Magic items)
Wandcrafting KS: Wandcraft Used to create Ephemeral Magic Wands that have a typically store a single Spell effect and have a finite amount of Magical energy stored in them allowing them to use 1 specific Spell a certain number of times. (Ephemeral Magic items)
Alchemy KS: Alchemy Used to create potions, powders, special inks, and the like Alchemical Items are always Ephemeral.
A GM might allow the option for Wizards to use 0 Level Cantrips without having to allocate any points from their VPP to them via the use of their Spell School Skills. If the GM allows this, a Wizard can cast any Cantrip on their Known Spells List at will (subject to any initialization Limitations such as Incantations and Gestures) by making a Skill Roll with the appropriate Spell School Skill; such Skill Rolls suffer a flat -2 circumstance penalty.
In a campaign where the GM allows Spellcraft, Wizards may opt to use it instead of or in addition to Spell School Skills.
If Spellcraft is allowed in the campaign, then Wizards that have the actual Spell School Skills gain a +2 bonus to any Magic Skill Roll when using the appropriate Skill for the Magic Effect in question; thus a Wizard with KS: Illusions would gain a +2 bonus to recognize, learn, or create an Illusion Spell. This caveat helps to keep School Skills balanced with Spellcraft.
Some Wizards opt to learn only some of the Schools of Magic, concentrating their studies on one or more other Schools. Such a Wizard simply would not buy the School Skills for the School that they don't wish to know how to use.
Optionally a Character could take a Physical Limitation during character creation indicating that they cannot learn a particular School of Magic even if they later decide they want to, but this should only be allowed if it is in some way actually Disadvantageous to a Character and GM's are encouraged to allow this in moderation, perhaps one or two Ineptitudes per Wizard at the most.
School Ineptitude: Phys Lim: Cannot Learn KS: {Magic Skill} or use Spellcraft to Circumvent (Infrequently, Limiting)
Disadvantage Total: - 5 Points
Wizards can take one or more of the Metamagic abilities described in the Vancian Magic System.
Wizards can take the Mage Sight Talent as described in Fantasy HERO for 5th Edition, but most do not bother as they can generally cast a Detect Magic or equivalent effect from their VPP if needed.
Wizards may take Life Support (Longevity) at the ~200 year level or perhaps higher if the GM allows. However, this is not appropriate to all settings.
Working with Magic marks Wizards in subtle ways, and they might have a recognizable aura that is detectable by those with appropriate senses. Wizards can take the following Disadvantage if the GM allows as a personal Disadvantage.
DF: Wizard (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
Disadvantage Value: -5 points
Learning New Spells
Wizardry Sample Spells may be found here.
One of the great strengths of Wizards is the ease with which they are able to learn new Spells to their Known Spells List up to their maximum limit of Spells Known per Spell Level (if any).
A Wizard may attempt to learn any Power Construct based Spell that meets the required restrictions defined for Wizard Spells in the Wizardry System document, can be fit into the Spell School concept, and has Active Points less than or equal to their VPP Pool size.
To actually learn such a Spell takes one hour of study per Spell Level of the Spell, and at the end of this period of time the Wizard must make a Magic Skill Roll with the Magic School Skill appropriate to the Spell with a penalty of -1 per Spell Level.
The Wizard may opt to study the Spell twice as long as necessary for a +1 to the roll, with each doubling of time granting a cumulative +1; thus if the Wizard studies a Spell for four hours per Spell Level they gain a +2 to their eventual Skill Roll as a bonus for two doublings of time spent studying.
If the Skill Roll is successful the Wizard adds the Spell to their Known Spell List. If the Skill Roll is failed the Spell defies comprehension. The Wizard does not add the Spell to their Known Spell List and may not try to learn the Spell again until they have raised the applicable Magic Skill Roll by +1 Skill Level.
NOTE: Level 0 Spells, also called Cantrips, count as a 0 for the purposes of determining penalties and as a +1 for purposes of determining times and bonuses for learning Spells.
EXAMPLE: Jasper Maskelyne the Transmuter has discovered a scroll bearing Eravor's Eerie Evisceration, a 5th Level Evocation Spell. Jasper studies the Spell for 5 total hours and then makes an Evocation Skill Roll with a -5 penalty (for being a 5th Level Spell). He succeeds (barely) and adds the Spell to his Known Spell List. Jasper could have spent 10 Hours studying for a +1 to the Evocation Roll, or 20 Hours for a +2 and so on.
If a Wizard is learning a more or less powerful version or a close variant of a Spell they already have on their Known Spell List, then they should benefit from a significant bonus to their Magic Skill Roll to learn that Spell. This bonus can be anything from a +1 up to a bonus equal to the Spell Level of the similar Spell that they already know. The closer the relationship between the two Spells, the larger the bonus should be.
When determining the degree of similarity, compare common specific SFX and intent, if the two Spells share the same base Power (Energy Blast, RKA, etc), and whether they have the same Power Modifiers as the principal considerations.
As a general rule of thumb, if all three categories are aligned then grant 100% of the bonus; for each category that differs deduct 33% of the bonus. Thus if two Spells shared a common SFX and intent, such as two Lightning based Spells that were intended to do direct damage, but built on different base Powers (such as EB, RKA, HKA, or HA), and differed in the Power Modifiers, then no more than 33% of the possible similarity bonus should be awarded.
If a Wizard is learning a Spell that is identical in every particular to a Spell they already know, differing only in dice or effect level, or with an additional adder then the similarity bonus should be equal to the Spell Level of the version that they already know.
EXAMPLE: Jasper Maskelyne the Transmuter does some research into Eravar and turns up a copy of his 300 year old Spellbook. Paying a pretty penny for the Grimoire, Jasper snuggles down with it and finds among other things a more powerful version of the Eerie Evisceration; Eravar's Efficacious Evisceration, which is an 8th level Area of Effect version.
Jasper becomes determined to learn it. Because Jasper already knows a lesser 5th Level version of the Spell the GM grants a +5 bonus to learn the new Spell. Eight hours of study later Jasper makes an Evocation Skill Roll at a net -3 penalty (-8 for the new Spell's Level, +5 Similarity Bonus from the old Spell's Level).
Wizardry is very adaptive; thus a Wizard can also try to learn any non-Wizardry Spell based on a Power Construct that is written down in some form if it fits into their VPP Model and can be covered by one of the Wizardry Spell Schools without the Power Construct being altered.
This takes twice as long as learning a Wizardry Spell and imposes an additional -2 penalty on the resulting Magic Skill Roll.
In the case of a non-Wizardry Spell that is Charge based but is from a system that allows more than one Charge, reducing the Charges Limitation to 1 Charge does not disqualify the Spell from being learned via this method as long as the Spell is otherwise unaltered and meets all the restrictions of Wizardry.
Of course, a Wizard can also always just create a new Spell as detailed below, mimicking the Spells of other Magic Systems.
EXAMPLE: Jasper Maskelyne the Transmuter meets an Elementalist Aeromancer and is intrigued to learn one of the Aeromancers wind-based Flight Spells. The wind effect could fit under Transmutation in the Wizardly paradigm, and Jasper has that School Skill, so the GM allows it.
The new Spell, unchanged other than bumping the Charges down to one, is defined as:
Windriding: Flight 13", x8 Noncombat, Rapid Noncombat Movement (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Not Usable In Enclosed Spaces (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate Constant or Persistent Power, Delayed Phase, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)
Real Cost: [13 points]
Jasper studies for four hours and then makes a Transmutation Skill Roll with a net -4 penalty (-2 for a 2nd Level Spell, -2 Non-Wizardry Spells penalty). If Jasper's Transmutation Skill Roll succeeds then Jasper has successfully converted the Aeromancy Spell into terms a Transmuter can understand and the new Spell is added to his Known Spell List as a Transmutation Spell.
Creating New Spells
Wizardry Sample Spells may be found here.
One of the most gratifying tasks a Wizard might accomplish is the creation of a new Spell unique to themselves. Whether it's to round out their Grimoire with that perfect niche-filler, for the accolade and respect of other Wizards, or the immortalizing aspect of attaching their name to something that might be in use for centuries to come, Wizards never lack for reasons to make new Spells. A particularly good Spell can even make a Wizard of an enterprising bent rich if they can entice others into paying to learn it.
However, the task of creating a new Spell is a challenging and time consuming one.
This option is in effect in my campaigns
By default, any Wizard with the appropriate Magic School Skills can create their own Spells. If for some reason a particular type of Wizard cannot create new Spells, they may take a Physical Limitation Disadvantage indicating this.
Arcane Spell Sterility: Phys Lim: Cannot create new Spells (Infrequently, Greatly Limiting)
Disadvantage Value: -10 points
NOTE: Level 0 Spells, also called Cantrips, count as a 0 for the purposes of determining penalties and as a +1 for purposes of determining bonuses for creating Spells.
Designing new Spells is relatively easy. There are four steps for a player or GM to follow when defining a new Wizardry Spell:
  1. Determine Effect of Spell
  2. Determine School of Spell
  3. Determine Power Construct of Spell
  4. Determine Level of Spell
Decide what the new Spell is supposed to do in general terms. Focus on the "What". Is the Spell supposed to burn an opponent to death, allow people to fly around, summon forth a demon, and so on. Pay attention to the flavor at this stage and keep game mechanics out of it. Also, try to imagine what the Spell detects like; and what kind of Special Effect it has.
Wizardry is an Effects based Magic System; thus the effect of your new Spell should clearly indicate what School the new Spell should go in. If it doesn't seem to fit into any of them (or several of them), you may need to refine the concept a bit. Alternately, your new Spell might be a candidate for the Universal group of Spells, which defy classification into a single School.
Next design the Spell using the Power creation rules in the HERO System 5th Edition Rulebook. Make sure to apply all of the mandatory Limitations demanded by the Wizardry System.
The final step is simple; as noted in the Wizardry System document, Spell Levels are determined by increments of 15 Active Points, starting at level 0. Thus, just divide the Active Cost of the Power Construct produced in Step 3 by 15  and add +1 to determine the "Spell Level" of the new Spell.
Make sure to make a note of the Spell Level; it will determine the penalty involved in the Skill Roll needed to create the Spell later.
Once the new Spell has been defined and agreed upon with the GM, in-game the Wizard must conduct Research & Experimentation (R&E) equal to one Hour/Total Active Points in the Spell.
Wizards can opt to take less time than this, but for every halving of time spent on R&E the Wizard suffers an additional -1 penalty on all Magic Skill Rolls necessary to create the new Spell.
The Wizard must have appropriate materials for R&E, and some of these necessary materials may be quite expensive and/or difficult to acquire, at the GM's discretion.
During this time the Wizard must make a School Skill check after each full Day of R&E with a -1 penalty per Spell Level of the new Spell. A full day of R&E means at least six hours uninterrupted.
The Wizard can opt to take extra time to make success more likely; if they take twice as long between checks  they get a +1 bonus to their Magic Skill Roll per doubling of time; thus two Days per Skill test grants a +1, four Days grants a +2, eight Days grants a +3 and so on.
If any of these incremental R&E checks are failed the Wizard has botched the job somehow and cannot create the Spell. The Wizard may not try to create that Spell again until their appropriate Magic Skill Roll has been raised a level, starting over again at the beginning of the Research & Experimentation cycle.
Example: Jasper Maskelyne creates a new Transmutation Spell:
Maskelyne's Marvelous Magnifyer: +10 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (15 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4)
Real Cost: [6 points]
Because the new Spell has 15 Active Points Jasper must spend 15 hours of in-game time conducting Research and Experimentation for this new Spell. At the end of each Day that he works on the Spell Jasper must make a Transmutation Skill Roll at -1 (for 15 Active Points).
Spending two Days before making a roll would grant a +1 Bonus, and if Jasper took 32 Days to work on the Spell (five doublings) before making a roll he would receive a +5 Bonus on his Transmutation Skill Roll for that time bracket.
If Jaspers Magic School Skill roll is successful then Jasper has managed to create the Spell; he adds it to his Known Spell List .
If a Wizard is creating a more or less powerful version or a close variant of a Spell they already have on their Known Spell List, then they should benefit from a significant bonus to their Magic Skill Rolls to create the Spell. This bonus can be anything from +1 up to the Spell Level of the similar Spell that they already know. The closer the relationship between the two Spells, the larger the bonus should be.
EXAMPLE 1: Jasper Maskelyne the Transmuter later wishes to improve his Marvelous Magnifyer Spell and Researches The GM determines that this Spell is practically the same as the original, but because the original Spell is a Level 0 Spell he only grants a +1 Similarity Bonus.
Maskelyne's Marvelous Moochable Magnifyer: +10 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group, UBO (+1/4), Limited Range (4" + 1" per 15 Pool in VPP; +1/4), LOS Not Required To Maintain (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4)
Real Cost: [12 points]
EXAMPLE 2: Jasper Maskelyne the Transmuter previously learned Eravor's Eerie Evisceration, a 5th Level Evocation Spell. While the Evisceration is a fearsome Spell, Jasper wants to be able to cast a weaker version more often. Jasper designs the new Spell, Maskelyne's Lesser Evisceration, as a 60 Active Point Power, which is Spell Level 3, merely reducing the dice of effect of the original Spell.
Because the new Spell is essentially identical to the more powerful Spell that Jasper already knows, the GM grants a bonus equal to the Spell Level of the original Spell for a +5 Similarity bonus to Jasper's Magic Skill Roll to create the Spell.
A Wizard automatically knows any Spell they have successfully created. They must have room on their Known Spell Lists to create a Spell of that Spell Level.
Creating New Magic Items
Wizards have a healthy tradition of making Magic Items. Wizards can create new Magic Items using the Item Creation Skills indicated on the Skills chart above, and as described in more detail in the Creating Magic Items page..
Wizards can only use Wandcrafting, Scroll Scribing, and Alchemy to create Ephemeral Items from Spells on their Known Spells List. Wizards can use Artificing to create Permanent Magic Items, but the Active Points of the individual abilities in the Item cannot exceed the size of the Wizard's VPP Pool.
As noted in the Magic Item creation guidelines, in addition to the Item Creation Skill, a Wizard must also have the appropriate Magic School Skills for the effects they are trying to place into Magic Items; Spellcraft cannot be used for this purpose.
Wizardry Sample Spells may be found here.
If your character is a Wizard, you will need to know how many Spells your character has access to when play starts. Your Character may start off with a number of Spell Levels equal to half their starting VPP Pool (ie the Pool total divided by 2); Level 0 Spells count as half a Spell Level for this purpose.
The player may choose any Spell provided they have the appropriate Spell School Skill and subject to GM veto.
Learning Spells
For each Spell chosen that has low enough Active Points to fit into the character's currently VPP Pool the Wizard must make a Magic Skill Roll with a penalty equal to -1 per 15 Active Points to see if the Wizard starts play knowing that Spell (as opposed to having it in their Spell Books).
Any Spells too large to fit into the Wizard's Magic VPP and any Spell for which the initial Magic Skill Roll was failed are still in the Wizard's Spellbook and may be learned in the future following the guidelines for Learning New Spells, but the Wizard does not yet know those Spells and may not prepare them to their Magic VPP until such a time as they a) can fit the Spell's Active Points into their Magic VPP, and b) can pass a Magic Skill Roll at -1/15 Active Points in the Spell after an appropriate time of study.
EXAMPLE: Kerrigan the Wizard starts the game with 45 Pool in his VPP; thus he can start off with up to 22.5 Spell Level's worth of Spells in his Spellbook. He could take 5 x Level 0 Spells (5*.5=2.5), 10 x 1st Level  Spells(10*1=10), and 5 x 2nd Level Spells (5*2=10) or some other combination adding up to a total of 22.5 Spell Levels.
NOTE: All Spells chosen by a player are subject to a GM veto. Inappropriate Spells can cause a GM an inordinate amount of difficulties depending on what kind of game they want to run, and the GM is within their rights to excise any such Spell as they wish.
For example, if the GM wishes to start the campaign off with a who-done-it style mystery, a starting Wizard with Detect Thoughts could ruin the entire opening adventure with a few seconds of mumbling.
Bonus Known Spells
Under some circumstances a Wizard might start play with more Spells on their Known Spell List.
School Skills
If Spellcraft is in use and a character opts to take School Skills instead, the character automatically knows (no Skill Roll necessary) a cantrip from each of the Schools they have a School Skill for, in addition to the standard allocation described above. Thus if a Wizard takes KS: Necromancy, they have learned a Necromancy cantrip in the process of acquiring the skill.
Additionally, if a Wizard has School Skills and has purchased Skill Levels with one or more of them, that Wizard knows (no Skill Roll necessary) two (2) additional Spell Levels per +1 level with which to select Spells belonging to that School. Thus if a starting Wizard has taken KS: Transmutation +2, that Wizard knows four (4) additional Spell Levels worth of Spells from the Transmutation School; this could be one 4th Level Spell, four 1st Level Spells, or any combination thereof adding up to four (4) Spell Levels.