Planar Binding - The Bargain
Wizardry Conjuration Level 6
Sphere Summoning Level 7
Stregari Binding Level 6
Real Cost: 15 Active Points: 101
Provider: Killer Shrike Source: D&D 3e Core
Cast after The Call to seal the bargain.
Extra-Dimensional Movement (Related Group of Dimensions, Any Location), x4 Increased Weight, Trigger (Completion of Contract) (+1/4), Usable As Attack (+1) (101 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Only works if Quest is completed, Only To Send Creature To Place Summoned From (-1), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4)
HERO System 5th Edition