Mark of Earth
Elementalism Geomancy Level 2
Wizardry Evocation Level 2
Real Cost: 10 Active Points: 44
Provider: Shadowcat Source: Books of Eldritch Might
Caster creates a Mark of Earth upon themselves or another; while active the Mark grants some benefit to strength for up to an hour. During this hour the bearer of the Mark can choose to activate a Shield of Earth that protects their body with a rocky armoring for up to a Minute; however doing so ends the normal Mark of Earth effect, and the entire spell ends when the Shield of Earth dissipates.
+3 STR, Usable By Other (+1/4), LOS Not Required To Maintain (+1/2) (5 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Visible (visible pattern; -1/4) (Real Cost: 1)
Shield of Earth: Armor (13 PD/0 ED), UBO (+1/4), Hardened (+1/4), LOS Not Required To Maintain (+1/2) (39 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Lockout (Mark of Earth; -1/2), Using Shield of Earth Effect Terminates Entire Compound Power When Continuing Charge Expires (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Visible (-1/4) (Real Cost: 9)
HERO System 5th Edition