Real Cost:
7 |
Active Points:
30 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Sonic, Charm, Mind-Affecting |
Description |
The caster becomes very charming and friendly from the perspective of one target. |
Effect |
+30 PRE, 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Week (+0) (30 Active Points); Only to be Friendly (-1), Only vs 1 Person (-1), Mental Defense Applies (-1/2), Concentration 0 DCV (-1/2), Requires A PRE vs PRE Roll to take effect (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
5 |
Active Points:
30 |
eepjr24 |
D&D 5e PHB |
Keywords |
Enchantment, Humanoid, Mental, Attack |
Description |
Attempts to cause a humanoid to see you as a friendly acquaintance. Effects last an hour if successful. Requires an Ego +10 roll to achieve, +20 if target is in combat. Expires if caster or companions cause harm. |
Effect |
6d6 Mind Control (30 Active Points); Limited Range: 15m (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Extra Time: Full Phase (-1/2), Only to convince you are a friendly acquaintance (-1), 1 Charge (-2), Time Limit: 1 Hour (-3/4), Humanoids only (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 6th Edition |
Real Cost:
7 |
Active Points:
30 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Charm, Mind-Affecting |
Description |
Lull target for a Turn into a stupor |
Effect |
+30 PRE (30 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/4), Only to make others hesitate (-1), Incantations, Requires Incantations throughout (-1/2), Mental Defense Applies (-1/2), Requires A Magic Skill vs Spell Resistance Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
6 |
Active Points:
30 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Keywords |
Mind-Affecting, Compulsion |
Effect |
+6 with DCV (30 Active Points); Only vs One Opponent (-1 1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, -3/4), Requires A Skill Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests Magic Skill vs Spell Resistance; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
11 |
Active Points:
30 |
Killer Shrike |
AD&D 1e Supplement |
Keywords |
Mind-Affecting |
Description |
Works via self-belief & confidence -- merely makes beneficiaries subconsciously pay attention to where they are stepping. |
Effect |
Clinging (normal STR), Persistent (+1/2), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1 1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Segment, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Only When In Contact With The Ground (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4), Feet Only (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
7 |
Active Points:
30 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Mind-Affecting |
Effect |
Ego Attack 3d6 (Human class of minds) (30 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |