Real Cost:
26 |
Active Points:
131 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Keywords |
Electricity |
Description |
The caster calls down a blistering lightning strike from the sky. Cannot be used indoors or vs. targets underneath hard cover. |
Effect |
Ranged Killing Attack 7d6 (vs. ED), Indirect (From Sky Above) (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4) (131 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Extra Segment, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3/4), Only Usable Outside (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
28 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Keywords |
Healing |
Effect |
Healing 5d6, Trigger (Eat Berries; +1/4), LOS Not Required to Maintain (+1/2), Usable Simultaneously (up to 16 people at once; +1 1/4) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), OIF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Berries; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
59 |
Active Points:
148 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Description |
This extremely powerful effect grants its caster unparalleled awareness of impending danger making them almost impossible to surprise or harm. The effect lasts for an hour unless it is dispelled or encounters Anti-Magic. Note that the presence of Anti-Magic would be considered a "danger" that could be detected via the Danger Sense aspect of this effect. |
Effect |
- Danger Sense (self only, any danger, Discriminatory, Function as a Sense) (50 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Segment, Delayed Phase, -3/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4) 29- (Real Cost: 20)
- Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Segment, Delayed Phase, -3/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4) (Real Cost: 4)
- +8 with DCV (40 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Segment, Delayed Phase, -3/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4) (Real Cost: 16)
- Combat Luck (24 PD/24 ED) (48 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Segment, Delayed Phase, -3/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4) (Real Cost: 19)
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
46 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Description |
NOTE: WIth Continuous applied, the Entangle rolls its dice to regain BODY on each of the casters Phases. In effect, the Entanle regenerates. It may not exceed the maximum possible BODY attainable on its dice of effect. |
Effect |
Entangle 3d6, 5 DEF, Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4), Continuous (+1), Area of Effect Line: 36" Long x 1" Tall x 4" Wide (+1 1/2) (150 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Phase, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3/4), Requires Appropriate Surroundings (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Inaccurate 1/2 OCV (-1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
33 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Effect |
Entangle 4d6, 8 DEF, Backlash (+1/2), Area of Effect Radius: 9" (+1) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
27 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Description |
Grants +3 DC to wooden Normal Damage weapons (Stick, Club, Baton) for entire day. |
Effect |
Aid HA 5d6 (standard effect: 15 points), Ranged (+1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Day; +1 1/2) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), Wooden Weapons Only (Clubs, Batons, Etc; -1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
67 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Transmogrify |
Effect |
Multiform (525 Character Points in the most expensive form) (Instant Change, x256 Number Of Forms) (150 Active Points); Concentration 0 DCV (-1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
35 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Keywords |
Earth |
Effect |
Teleportation 60", Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), From Stone To Stone Only (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
31 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
AD&D 2e Supplement |
Keywords |
Air, Summoning |
Effect |
Summon 500-point Air Elemental, Amicable Loyal (+1/2) (150 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Extra Time Extra Phase (-3/4), Delayed Phase (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
27 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Summoning |
Description |
Long Term Endurance Lost Paid When Spell Is Cast |
Effect |
Summon 500-point Dragon (or Campaign Equivalent), Amicable Friendly (+1/4), Expanded Class of Beings Very Limited Group (+1/4) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Extra Phase, Delayed Phase, -1), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Caster takes 15 LTE loss; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Dragon Fades Away After 1 Hour (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
31 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
AD&D 2e Supplement |
Keywords |
Earth, Summoning |
Effect |
Summon 500-point Earth Elemental, Amicable Loyal (+1/2) (150 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Extra Time Extra Phase (-3/4), Delayed Phase (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
31 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
AD&D 2e Supplement |
Keywords |
Fire, Summoning |
Effect |
Summon 500-point Fire Elemental, Amicable Loyal (+1/2) (150 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Extra Time Extra Phase (-3/4), Delayed Phase (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
28 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Summoning |
Effect |
Summon 300-point Natural Animal, Expanded Class of Beings Limited Group (Natural Animals; +1/2), Slavishly Devoted (+1) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
31 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
AD&D 2e Supplement |
Keywords |
Summoning, Water |
Effect |
Summon 500-point Water Elemental, Amicable Loyal (+1/2) (150 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Extra Time Extra Phase (-3/4), Delayed Phase (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
30 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Effect |
Healing (Regeneration) 5 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (150 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate Constant or Persistent Power, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3/4), Self Only (-1/2), Only Affects Living Creatures (-1/2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
27 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Effect |
Telekinesis (50 STR), Area of Effect Radius: 8" (+1) (150 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Phase, Delayed Phase, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 1/4), Only To Push Wood Away (-1), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), No Range (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
22 |
Active Points:
148 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Effect |
Summon 332-point Animal Pal, Expanded Class of Beings Very Limited Group (Natural Animals; +1/4), Slavishly Devoted (+1) (148 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Character May Take No Other Actions, -2 1/4), 1 Charge (-2), Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
37 |
Active Points:
148 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Effect |
Dispel All Magic 16 1/2d6, All Magic Simultaneously (+2) (148 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Extra Time Delayed Phase (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests, No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll Abjuration Skill vs Magic Skill of Caster; -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
37 |
Active Points:
148 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Effect |
Dispel Divine Magic 33d6, Any Divine Magic Effect 1 at a time (+1/2) (148 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Extra Time Delayed Phase (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests, No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll Abjuration Skill vs Magic Skill of Caster; -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
37 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Effect |
Dispel Magic 25d6, Any Magic Effect 1 at a time (+1) (150 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Requires A Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests, No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll Abjuration Skill vs Magic Skill of Caster; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Extra Time Delayed Phase (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
29 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Keywords |
Earth |
Effect |
Change Environment (Increase Fertility of Land) 2048" radius, Long-Lasting 1 Year, Conforming (+1/2) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (1 Minute, Only to Activate Constant or Persistent Power, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
33 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Keywords |
Anti-Magic |
Effect |
Dispel Curses 40d6, any Curse one at a time (+1/4) (150 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Extra Time Extra Segment (Delayed Phase; -3/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), 1/2 DCV Concentration (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
28 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
AD&D 2e Supplement |
Keywords |
Earth |
Effect |
Entangle 12d6, 13 DEF (+3 Additional BODY, Stops A Given Sense Group: Sight Group) (150 Active Points); 1 Charges (-2), Only To Form Barriers (-1), Extra Time Full Phase (-1/2), Delayed Phase (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
35 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Keywords |
Water |
Effect |
Ranged Killing Attack 5d6 (vs. PD), Area Of Effect Line: 30" (+1) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Requires A Magic Skill vs Spell Resistance Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
46 |
Active Points:
150 |
Killer Shrike |
New Content |
Keywords |
Creation |
Effect |
Entangle 4d6, 6 DEF, Area of Effect Radius: 10" (+1), Continuous (+1) (150 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 5 Minutes (-3/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Vulnerable (Fire) (Uncommon; -1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests Magic Skill vs Spell Resistance; -1/4), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |