Real Cost:
16 |
Active Points:
75 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Healing |
Effect |
Healing 5d6, Ranged (+1/2) (75 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
21 |
Active Points:
75 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Description |
Long Term Endurance Lost Paid When Spell Is Cast |
Effect |
Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension (The Secure Shelter Pocket Dimension)), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1), Lingering up to 8 Hours (+1 3/4) (75 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Physical Manifestation (Cottage; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 6 Hours (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
15 |
Active Points:
74 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Summoning |
Effect |
Summon 2 142-point Fantasy Creatures, Expanded Class of Beings Very Limited Group (+1/4), Amicable Slavishly Devoted (+1) (74 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (Extra Phase, Delayed Phase, -1), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |
Real Cost:
21 |
Active Points:
75 |
Killer Shrike |
D&D 3e Core |
Keywords |
Summoning |
Description |
A swarm of insects and other pests of all types is called forth to harrass and bedevil target |
Effect |
Ranged Killing Attack 0 1/2d6 (vs. PD), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2), +4 STUN Multiplier (+1), Continuous (+1), Penetrating (x3; +1 1/2), Are of Effect Radius: 20" (+1 1/2), Conforming (+1/2), Selective Target (+1/4) (75 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), Extra Time (Extra Phase, Only to Activate, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests Magic Skill vs Spell Resistance; -1/4) |
Edition |
HERO System 5th Edition |