GM Notes
on Aeldenaren
Aeldenaren (ALE-din-NAR-in), practitioners
of which are properly called Aeldenari (ALE-din-NAR-ee), but in
some parts of the world are called Old-blooded, and Gifted. |
Unfortunately for those not born to it,
Aeldenaren cannot be learned and no master may teach it no
matter how dedicated the student or how determined the
instructor might be. This Magic is instead a Gift that can only
be given by the vagaries of heredity. Aeldenaren flows in
bloodlines, and when found among Humans it is believed to be a
sign of some non-human ancestry in the past. |
In some lands Aeldenari might be viewed as
special and worthy of envy, while in some other lands those born
Gifted are believed to be spawns of dark powers or descendants
of demons or devils that have lain with Humans. |
Casting Model |
Instead of relying on an infrastructure of learned
theories in the form of Knowledge Skills, Spells,
Known Spell lists, Variable Power Pools, and suchlike, Aeldenaren is based
on Talents that must be taken at character creation that grant access to purchasing Power Constructs directly. |
As a Campaign Restriction,
Aeldenaren Gifts can only be taken at Character Creation. A
character might have only one of the Gifts, or all six, or
anything in between as suits the player; further a character
might start with one or more Gift Talents, but not yet have any
Powers related to it -- the potential exists, but the character
has not yet fulfilled it. |
Each Gift is represented as a
Custom Talent that costs one character point, that grants access
to specific HERO System Powers for the character with that Gift. |
There are six Basic Gifts and
six Advanced Gifts in Aeldenaren, each with a corresponding
Talent as detailed below which does nothing save grant access to
particular sorts of Powers. |
The Gifts determine what Base
Powers can be used to construct Power Constructs for a
character. For instance, only an Aeldenaren with the Gift of
Shifting can have one or more Power Constructs that use the
Shape Shift Base Power. |
Each Power Construct that a
character wants to use must be purchased separately and paid for
with character points without the benefit of Power Frameworks
except an Elemental Control, and without Charges. |
Because of this Aeldenaren can
be very costly to a character, but on the positive side a Gifted
character can use their particular abilities as often as their
fatigue level allows. |
Basic Gifts represent the more common
abilities found among Aeldenaren and generally tend toward more
subtle, less direct effects. |
Advanced Gifts represent more uncommon
abilities found among Aeldenaren, and often allow more obvious,
direct, or flashy effects than the Basic Gifts. In some campaign
settings they may not exist at all, while in others they may
require GM permission either as a group or individually. |
Such extremes aside, it is assumed that if
Advanced Gifts are allowed then an Aeldenari must have at least
one Basic Gift per Advanced Gift. Thus an Aeldenari could have
three Basic and three or fewer Advanced Gifts, but could not
have one Basic Gift and six Advanced Gift. As there are six
Basic and six Advanced Gifts, to have access to all six Advanced
Gifts an Aeldenari must also have all six Basic Gifts. |
This Gift allows the Aeldenari to affect other living
creatures directly. They can heal any living thing
or sap the essences of life from them. Having this
Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which
are constructed using: |
- Aid
- Drain
- Healing
- Succor
- Transfer
This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to control the
minds of any sentient creature or create nightmares
and hallucinations capable of inflicting real harm
upon the victim. Having this Gift enables an
Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed
using: |
- Mental Illusions
- Mind Control
- EGO Attack
- Entangles (BOECV)
This Gift enables the Aeldenari to fool the senses of
others. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to
purchase Powers which are constructed using: |
This Gift gives an Aeldenari the capacity for vast
mystical awareness. An Aeldenari that has this Gift
may purchase Powers which are constructed using: |
- Clairsentience
- Telepathy
- Enhanced Senses
- Find Weakness
- Mind Link
- Mind Scan
This Gift gives an Aeldenari control over their own
form. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to
purchase Powers which are constructed using: |
- Shape Shift
- Multiform
- Growth
- Density Increase
- Shrinking
This Gift enables the Aeldenari to force their will
upon the world around them, changing nearly anything
in the surrounding environment and the environment
itself into anything the Aeldenari can imagine.
Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase
Powers which are constructed using: |
- Change Environment
- Transform
- Entangles (non-BOECV)
This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to inflict direct
harm upon the people and world around them. Having
this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers
which are constructed using: |
- Energy Blast
- Hand Attack
- Hand Killing Attack
- Ranged Killing Attack
This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to
protect themselves from harm. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari
to purchase Powers which are constructed using: |
- Damage Resistance
- Knockback Resistance
- Lack of Weakness
- Power Defense
- Damage Reduction
This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to
erect magical barriers. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari
to purchase Powers which are constructed using: |
- Force Field
- Force Wall
- Entangles (Barrier Only)
This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to
counteract and prevent the disruption of static reality. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari
to purchase Powers which are constructed using: |
This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to bend Space to
their will, allowing them to travel far distances in
their own plane of existences and perhaps (with GM's
Permission) into others as well. Having this Gift
enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are
constructed using: |
- Teleportation
- Extra Dimensional Movement (with GM's
This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to
deprive others of their own senses. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to
purchase Powers which are constructed using: |
Restrictions |
There are a number of
restrictions which apply to this type of Magic Use, as follows. |
Aeldenari usually have
an Elemental Control for their Powers; in fact it is so common one is
included in their Basic Package Deal. However, an Aeldenari does not have to
have an Elemental Control if they do not wish to; all listed Powers will
need to be refactored accordingly. As an Aeldenari grows in Power, they may
increase the size of their Elemental Control accordingly. |
Aeldenari cannot use
Variable Power Pools or Multipower Pools for their Powers as a Campaign
Groundrule. |
Aeldenari are
Magic Users, their Magic interacts normally with Dispel, Suppress, and other
Adjustment Powers as such, and each Aeldenari has the SFX of Aeldenari, Magic,
Arcane. Further, the Gift which a Power belongs to is part of the SFX
of an individual Power as
well. These SFX cannot be disguised or removed even with Variable SFX. Thus
an Aeldenari Power based on Transform has the SFX of Arcane, Magic, and
because it falls under the Gift of Willing it also has the SFX of Aeldenari
Willing. |
- Gestures may not be taken
Normal Incantations may not be taken
- Voice Range Incantations are allowed
- No Power may be on Charges
- No Conscious
Control and Independent may not be taken on any Power
- All Powers must either cost END by default or take the "Costs END"
- Gifts may take Reduced END
- Gifts may take "Costs END Only to Activate" where
allowed by the rules normally
- All Costs END only to Activate Gifts must have a defined termination,
expressed either as a duration or a specific and reasonably common event
- Powers may not be imbedded in a Focus, but may
require an item to be activated; use Restrainable instead of Focus in these cases
- No Power can Require a Skill Roll
Aeldenari don't "cast
Spells"; they just use their Gifts. As every
Aeldenari might have a unique set of Powers with differing activation
limitations, each Power may require different activation methods, however
these activation methods should not be "Spell-like". |
Concentration, Extra
Time, Extra Endurance, and Side Effects are all very common and appropriate
Activation Limitations. |
Aeldenari Spells don't
use normal "Word of Power" Incantations or Gestures. |
Some Aeldenari
Powers, particularly expressions of the Gift of Commanding, do
use the Voice Range variant of Incantations however. |
Aeldenari use the "Voice Range" variant described on
page 133 of Fantasy HERO for Hero System 5th Edition for Incantations for
most of their Powers that have Incantations (if any). |
Unlike normal Incantations which must be obvious
"words of power", this form of Incantations can be disguised as normal
conversation, singing, or other vocalizing but the targets of the Spell must
be able to hear the Incantations clearly. |
Some Aeldenari have a
"mental crutch" in the form of an object they need to work Magic. Use
Restrainable (by preventing access to the object) instead of Foci to
represent this. |
Aeldenaren Powers never
use Charges. |
The single greatest restriction on this Magic System is
that all Spells must cost Endurance to activate. |
Many Aeldenari have END Reserves to
fuel their Powers (and one is included in the Base Package below). Some
Aeldenari buy some or all of their Powers to use either their personal END
or their END Reserve using the standard +1/4 Advantage. |
Aeldenari do not use
Magic Skill Rolls of any sort for their system of Magic. |
Aeldenari do not have a concept of "Specializing"
in a formal sense, but some Aeldenari only have one
or two Gifts and could be said to be "Specialists". Thus a character that only had
the Gift of Commanding, but had a lot of Commanding Powers could be
considered to be a Specialist in that kind of Magic, as could any Aeldenari
who had a disproportionate number of Commanding Powers. |
Some Aeldenari can craft Magic Items and can also even
"enchant" people with abilities like a Magic Item, but they use the
Transform Power (part of the Gift of Willing) to do this. |
This is accomplished using the "Adding Powers" rules under Transform, adding Powers to a
mundane object or person. This does not cost character points, and GM's
should regulate its use. A convenient means of controlling the proliferation
of this type of item is to insist on a very common "Heal Back" clause for
the Transform, such as contact with Dispel Magic. |