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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Conversions>Warhammer>WH FRPG 2nd Edition>Skills
FROM: Warhammer FRPG 2nd Edition
TO: HERO System 5th Edition
NOTE: Some rudimentary knowledge of the HERO System rules is necessary to understand this conversion document.
The below table illustrates the conversion mappings from Warhammer Skills and Talents into HERO System abilities used throughout the other associated Conversion Documents and Career Packages.

Warhammer 2e Skill and Talent Conversions
Most of the ability conversions between Warhammer and the HERO System should be self explanatory. However, some require a little clarification, as follows.

Many Warhammer abilities map to characteristic increases in the HERO System. When annotating these characteristic increases on a HERO System character sheet, they can be added directly to the relevant characteristics, or tracked separately if desired. However, whichever way they are tracked, they are intended to be direct adjustments to characteristics and not Characteristics bought as Powers (which have a subtlety different relationship with Normal Characteristics Maxima in the HERO System).

The amount of characteristic increase shown assumes that the character is below Characteristic Maxima. If the character is already over Characteristic Maxima, or the addition of the increase would take them over Characteristic Maxima then usually it is preferable to take the point cost indicated and buy however much of the characteristic in question that many points will cover over Characteristic Maxima.

Example: Joe is converting his character from Warhammer into the HERO System. By the time he gets to converting abilities, his character already has 18 STR via his characteristics conversion. Joe's character has the Very Strong ability, which maps into +6 STR in the HERO System, but 18+6 = 24, which is over Characteristic Maxima. Instead Joe buys 6 points worth of STR, which brings his character up to 22 STR.

In several places below a Warhammer ability will map to an option of a Martial Maneuver or some other ability in the HERO System, giving the player the choice of which to take. Generally speaking the Martial Maneuver versions of the ability are better, but special rules apply to the purchase of Martial Maneuvers that might prevent a given character from taking such an option.

A character must have 10 points in Martial Maneuvers in order to have any Martial Maneuvers. If the character cannot comply with that restriction, then they must take the optional ability given. Some starting careers offer enough abilities of this nature to allow a character to meet the 10 point minimum if they choose enough of the Martial Maneuver options together, while other careers don't and thus the character must take the lesser option (unless they already have enough Martial Maneuvers from previous careers).
In general, a GM should be lenient about allowing characters to consider all of their Careers when converting into the HERO System for purposes of qualifying for Martial Maneuvers. For instance, an experienced character that has been through several Careers might have picked up Strike Mighty Blow, Wrestling, and Dodge Blow, which all have Martial Maneuver equivalents; they should reasonably be allowed to opt for the Martial Maneuvers during character conversion.
Example 1: Joe is converting a Bodyguard character into the HERO System. The Bodyguard Package gets Streetfighting and Strike to Stun, which both have Martial Maneuver equivalents in the form of Defensive Strike and Martial Strike. However those two Maneuvers cost 5 and 4 points respectively, which doesn't meet the 10 point minimum required for Martial Arts. Luckily, the Bodyguard Package also offers the option of Disarm or Quickdraw. Disarm has a Martial Maneuver equivalent in the form of Martial Disarm which costs 4 points. If Joe opts for Disarm, then he may take all three Martial Maneuvers since their total cost exceeds the 10 point minimum required for Martial Arts buy in.
Example 2: Later Joe converts an Agitator character into the HERO System. The Agitator Package also gets Streetfighting, but doesn't get any other ability that offers a Martial Maneuver equivalent, and is thus forced to take the lesser +1 HtH Level version of Streetfighting.

Several of the below conversions offer some concrete ability, and also give a one point Reputation Perk relative to that ability. This is primarily done for accounting purposes, in an attempt to make as many of the Talent conversions as possible cost 6 points each so that "Select One" groups in Packages can be consistently priced rather than set to variable (var), which prevents the entire Package from being totaled. A one point Reputation Perk is an easy fit to pad out abilities that come up short at 5 points, so there you go.

However, it is still a real ability and can be quite useful. Presence Attacks and Interaction Skills are a very important part of a lower powered campaign in the HERO System and should not be discounted. When any violent confrontation has decent odds of resulting in at least one character death, non-violent solutions get a significant boost in attractiveness and utility.
In this particular case the Reputations are defined as a +1 or +1d6 boost to Interaction Skill Rolls or Presence Attacks for a small group that are aware of the character's Reputation on an 11-. Despite the roll associated with this, GM's should exercise common sense as to who is and is not aware of the character's Reputation. Generally strangers off the beaten path with no common background with the character are not going to know of the character regardless of what is rolled, while putative strangers that live in the same small town that the character has resided in for a while are more likely to know the Reputation.
A character can also buy up their Reputation over time so that eventually they are well known. Also, a player could fine tune their Reputations a tad so long as they remain relevant to the abilities they are paired with in some way. Finally, a player that had several Reputations of this sort from various abilities could merge them together in some combination to make a more personalized Reputation, with GM Permission.
Example 1: Joe is later converting another character that has Dodge Blow. If the Martial Art version is taken it comes with Martial Dodge and Reputation "Hard to Hit, Small Group, 11-". Those who have seen the character in action tend to be impressed by his dodginess and word of it has spread in the surrounding areas via bar talk, gossip, perhaps a local skald or bard of some sort, or even self promotion. Either way, if the character's ability to avoid being hit can ever benefit a Presence Attack or an Interaction Skill then the character would get +1d6 or +1 to the resulting roll if his Reputation was known to the other involved parties.
Example 2: Later in play Joe is using his new dodgy character, who gets involved in a confrontation which is looking to turn into a duel. Joe says in character words to the effect of, "You couldn't hit me on your best day", and makes a Presence Attack in an attempt to get the opponent to hesitate and maybe defuse the situation. If the GM determines (either via an 11- roll or just common sense) that the opponent has heard of the character's penchant for avoiding blows, Joe gets to roll an extra +1d6 on his Presence Attack thanks to his Reputation.

Warhammer FRPG 2e to HERO System 5e Conversion
Warhammer Skills & Talents HERO System Abilities Cost
Warhammer FRPG 2e Skills
Academic Knowledge Knowledge Skill 3
Animal Care, Animal Training Animal Handling 3
Blather Conversation 3
Charm Persuasion 3
Charm Animal +10 PRE Only vs. Animals 3
Command Tactics 3
Common Knowledge Area Knowledge 3
Concealment Concealment 3
Consume Alcohol +5 CON, Only to Resist Effects Of Alcohol, No Figured Characteristics 3
Disguise Disguise 3
Dodge Blow Either (+1 DCV) or (Martial Dodge and Reputation ("Hard to Hit", Small Group 11-)) 5
Drive TF: Wagons, Carts, Chariots 3
Evaluate Analyze: Trade Items 3
Follow Trail Tracking 3
Gambling Gambling 3
Gossip Conversation 3
Haggle Barter 3
Heal Paramedics 3
Hypnotism PS: Hypnotist 3
Intimidate +3 PRE 3
Language, Secret Language, Secret Signs, Speak Arcane Language, Speak Language Language 3
Lipreading Read Lips 3
Magic Sense Detect Magic 5
Navigation Navigation 3
Outdoor Survival Survival 3
Perception +1 All PER 3
Performance , Performer PS: Performance 3
Pick Locks Lockpicking 3
Prepare Poison KS: Poison Lore 3
Read/Write Literacy with up to 3 Languages 3
Ride Riding 3
Row TF: Rafts, Small Rowed Boats, Large Rowed Boats 3
Sail TF: Small Military Boats, Small Wind-Powered Boats, Large Wind-Powered Boats 3
Scale Sheer Surface Climbing 3
Search Concealment +2, Only To Detect (-1 1/2) 3
Set Trap Security Systems 3
Silent Move Stealth 3
Shadowing Shadow 3
Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand 3
Swim +3" Swimming 3
Trade Professional Skill 3
Torture Interrogation 3
Ventriloquism Ventriloquism 3
Warhammer FRPG 2e Talents
Acute Hearing +3 PER Hearing 6
Alley Cat, Rover, Tunnel Rat +1 DEX and +3 INT 6
Ambidexterity Ambidexterity (Reduce Off-Hand Penalty to -1) 6
Armored Casting +2 Penalty Skill Levels to Offset Armor Casting Penalty 6
Artistic PS (Artist) +4 6
Contortionist Contortionist +1 5
Coolheaded +3 EGO 6
Dealmaker Either (+1 with Analyze (Item) and +2 with Barter) or (+3 INT and +3 PRE) 6
Disarm Either (+3 with Disarm) or (Martial Disarm and +1 with Martial Disarm) 6
Dwarfcraft +1 with Dwarf Skills Group and WF: Axe 6
Etiquette High Society and +3 INT 6
Excellent Vision +3 with Sight Group 6
Fast Hands +2 OCV with Touch Magic 6
Fearless, Stout Hearted +10 PRE, Defensive Use Only (-1) and Reputation ("Brave", Small Group 11-) 6
Flee! +4" Running, Reduced END (0 END, +1/2), Only to Run Away (-1) 6
Fleet Footed +3" Running 6
Flier X" Flying var
Frenzy +10 STR, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) plus +3 CON, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) plus +3 EGO; SE: -5 DEX, - 5 INT (Major, Always Occurs; -2) 6
Frightening, Menacing, Unsettling +10 PRE, Offensive Use Only (-1) and Reputation ("Scary", Small Group 11-) 6
Grudge-Born Fury +2 OCV vs. Goblinkind 6
Hardy +3 BODY 6
Hoverer X" Flying, Only To Hover (-1) var
Keen Senses +2 All PER 6
Lightning Parry Either (+3 OCV with Block) or (Martial Block and +1 OCV with Block) 6
Lightning Reflexes Lightning Reflexes +4 DEX Only To Go First, All Actions 6
Linguist Linguist Skill Enhancer and 3 Points of Languages 6
Lucky 1d6 Luck and Reputation ("Lucky", Small Group 11-) 6
Marksman +1 Range Level and Reputation ("Good Shot", Small Group 11-) 6
Master Gunner, Rapid Reload Either (Fast Draw +8, Only to Reload (-2)) or (6 Points of Partial Buy Off for "Extra Time To Reload" Limitation) 6
Master Orator Either (+1 w Interaction Skills) or (+5 PRE), and Reputation ("Excellent Speaker", Small Group 11-) 6
Public Speaking Oratory + 1 and Reputation ("Excellent Speaker", Small Group 11-) 6
Meditation Meditation Power Skill (EGO): +1 and +1 Mental Defense 6
Mighty Missile +2 OCV with Magic Missile Spells 6
Mighty Shot +2 Ranged Levels, Only to Covert To Damage (-1) and Reputation ("Deadly Shot", Small Group 11-) 6
Mimic Mimicry and Acting 6
Natural Weapons 1/2d6 (1d6 with STR) Killing Attack; Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Restrainable (-1/2) 6
Nightvision Nightvision and +1 PER Nightvision 6
Orientation Bump of Direction and +1 All PER 6
Quick Draw Fast Draw +1 and Reputation ("Quick on the Draw", Small Group 11-) 6
Resistance to Magic Magic Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 15
Resistance to Harm Power Defense (10 points), RSR: CON Roll (-3/4) 6
Resistance to Chaos Chaos Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 30
  Physical Limitation: Cannot Be A Magic User (All the Time, Slightly Impairing) -15
Resistance to Poison LS: Immunity to Poison, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4) 6
Resistance to Disease LS: Immunity to Disease, RSR: CON Roll (-3/4) 6
Savvy +6 INT 6
Schemer +6 PRE 6
Seasoned Traveler Traveler Skill Enhancer and 3 points of Area Knowledge 6
Sharpshooter +5 Ranged Levels, Only When Bracing (-2), Only for OCV (-1) 6
Sixth Sense Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -3/4) 6
Specialist Weapon Group WF Weapons and +1 OCV with Weapons and Reputation ("Master of Weapons", Small Group 11-) 6
Street Fighter, Street Fighting Either (+1 HtH) or (Defensive Strike), and Reputation ("Scrapper", Small Group 11-) 6
Streetwise Streetwise and +3 INT 6
Strike Mighty Blow Either (+15 STR, Only For Damage (-1 1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)) or (Offensive Strike and 1 Weapon Familiarity of Choice) 6
Strike to Injure Either (+3 HtH, Only to Convert To Damage (-1 1/2)) or (Killing Strike and +1 OCV with Killing Strike) 6
Strike to Stun Either (+3 Penalty Skill Levels to Offset Striking with Side of Blade Penalties and +1 OCV when Striking with Side of Blade) or (Martial Strike and +1 OCV with Martial Strike) 6
Strong Minded +3 EGO 6
Sturdy +6" Running, Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), Only to Offset Encumbrance Penalties (-2) 6
Suave +6 PRE 6
Sure Shot +3 Ranged, Only to Convert To Damage (-1 1/2) 6
Surgery PS: Surgeon +4 6
Super Numerate Lightning Calculator and +3 INT 6
Swashbuckler Acrobatics and Breakfall 6
Terrifying +20 PRE, Offensive Use Only (-1) 10
Trapfinder Either (Security Systems) or (+1 All PER), and +3 INT 6
Trick Riding Either (+3 with Riding) or (Riding and +1 DEX) 6
Undead Terrifying: +20 PRE 20
  Undying Mind: +20 Mental Defense 20
  Painless: Automaton 60
Very Resilient +3 CON 6
Very Strong +6 STR 6
Warrior Born +1 HtH and One WF of Choice 6
Wrestling Either (+10 STR, Only To Grapple (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) and +1 OCV with Grab) or (Martial Escape and +1 OCV with Grab) 6
Warhammer FRPG 2e Magic Related Abilities
Aethyric Attunement +1 Skill Level with Magic and +1 INT 6
Channelling Channelling Power Skill (EGO) + 1 5
Petty Magic Access to Petty Magic (Arcane, Divine, or Hedge)  (Custom Talent) 5
Hedge Magic Access to Hedge Magic (Custom Talent) 1
Arcane Lore Access to Arcane Magic (Beasts, Death, Fire, Heavens, Life, Light, Metal, or Shadow) (Custom Talent) 5
Dark Lore Access to Dark Magic (Chaos, or Necromancy)  (Custom Talent) 5
Divine Lore Access to Divine Lore (Grungni, Manaan, Morr, Myrmidia, Ranald, Sigmar, Shallya, Taal and Rhya, Ulric, or Varena)  (Custom Talent) 5
Lesser Magic Access to a Lesser Magic Spell of Choice 5