NOTE: Some rudimentary knowledge of the
HERO System
rules is necessary to understand this conversion
document. |
Petty Magic |
Cost to character: 10 pts
Creates a zone of silence around the caster
that lasts until they move. |
Game Effect: An area of silence surrounds
the caster, preventing Spellcasting that
requires Incantations within it. |
Darkness to Hearing and Mental Groups 5"
radius, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4)
(37 Active Points); Concentration, Must
Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power
(0 DCV; -1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2),
No Range (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations
(-1/4) (uses END Reserve) |
Battle Magic Level 1 |
Cost to character: 13 pts |
Endows the caster with enhanced combat prowess
until the suffer a wound. |
Game Effect: 4d6 HA, +2 SPD |
(Total: 40 Active Cost, 13 Real Cost) Hand-To-Hand
Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand
Attack (-1/2), IIF Expendable (Difficult
to obtain new Focus; Small Silver Hammer;
-1/2), Effect Ends If BODY Damage Taken
(-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4),
Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END
Reserve) (Real Cost: 6) plus +2 SPD
(20 Active Points); IIF Expendable (Difficult
to obtain new Focus; Small Silver Hammer;
-1/2), Effect Ends If BODY Damage Taken
(-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4),
Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Costs Endurance
(Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (uses
END Reserve) (Real Cost: 7) |
Level 2 Battle Magic |
Cost to character: 19 pts |
Creates an area of impenetrable mist that
also slows movement. |
Game Effect: 2" Radius
Area that is Opaque to Sight and imposes
-3" Running |
(Total: 45 Active Cost, 19 Real Cost) Darkness
to Sight Group 2" radius, Costs END
Only To Activate (+1/4) (25 Active Points);
Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Incantations
(-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (1/2
DCV; -1/4), IIF (A Ball Of Cotton Wool;
-1/4) (uses END Reserve) (Real Cost: 10)
plus Change Environment 2" radius,
-3" of Running, Costs END Only To Activate
(+1/4) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Full
Phase, -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4),
IIF (A Ball Of Cotton Wool; -1/4), Incantations
(-1/4) (uses END Reserve) (Real Cost: 9) |
Level 2 Druidic Magic |
Cost to character: 19 pts
Animated vines, branches, roots, etc ensnare
all within an area. |
Game Effect: All people in affected area
are ensnared by a 4 DEF Entangle with 2d6
Entangle 2d6, 4 DEF, Area Of Effect (3"
Radius; +1), Two-Dimensional (-1/4) (52
Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase,
-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), IIF
(Briar or Bramble; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4),
Gestures (-1/4), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4)
(uses END Reserve) |
Level 3 Demonology Magic |
Cost to character: 23 pts |
Fills the caster with dark energy, temporarily
boosting their capabilities. |
Game Effect: Add 2 1/2d6 in character
points to all Primary and Secondary Characteristics
for a brief time. |
Aid 2 1/2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points
return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4),
all Characteristics simultaneously (+2)
(81 Active Points); IIF Expendable (Very
Difficult to obtain new Focus; Heart of
a Lesser Demon; -3/4), Self Only (-1/2),
Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Concentration
(1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Costs
Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)
(uses END Reserve) |
Level 4 Necromancy Magic |
Cost to character: 30 pts |
Game Effect: Turns target creature
into a zombie over a short period of time. |
Major Transform 2d6 (Person Into Zombie,
Magic), Improved Target Group (Any Sentient
Humanoid Of Normal Size Or Less; +1/4),
Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Uncontrolled
(+1/2), Continuous (+1) (90 Active Points);
IIF Expendable (Very Difficult to obtain
new Focus; Hand of a Liche; -3/4), Extra
Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Target May Make
EGO Roll at -1/10 Active Points Plus -1
Per 5 END Extra To Avoid Effects (-1/2),
Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END
Reserve) |