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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Conversions>D&D>D&D 3rd Edition>Eight Conversion Steps>Disadvantages
STEP 6: Disadvantages

D&D 3e to HERO System Conversion Steps

Step 1: Available Points Step 2: Characteristics Step 3: Character Race Step 4: Character
Step 5: Gear, Followers,
Step 6: Disadvantages Step 7: Finishing
Step 8: Character
This conversion resource assumes that the campaign limits set forth in Step 1 are in effect and the maximum points a Character can have from Personal Disadvantages is 75 points.
If a Character does not take 75 points worth of Disadvantages then they will have correspondingly fewer Character Points with which to buy abilities. For instance if a starting Character with 50 Base points only takes 50 points of Personal Disadvantages, then that Character has 100 Character Points (50 Base + 50 from Disadvantages) available to them rather than the 125 points they could have had.
NOTE: In this context "Personal Disadvantage" refers to any Disadvantage which does not stem from a Character's Race Package Deal. This is a specific exception to the HERO System rules, wherein Disadvantages from all Package Deals do count towards a Character's Disadvantage limit. If your GM is uncomfortable with this exception they will let you know how to handle the discrepancy.
Personal Disadvantages
Character Disadvantages are a concept not found in D&D 3e and therefore appropriate Disadvantages must be approximated from aspects of Characters that are left mechanically undefined in D&D 3e. The primary purpose of Disadvantages is to add flavor and context to a Character, and to give the GM story hooks with which to involve your Character with the setting.
In many cases it's a Character's quirks and flaws that make them stand out rather than their capacity to kill things, manipulate a fictional magical system, or use arbitrarily determined skills and abilities. Have fun with your Character's Disadvantages rather than taking them just to get more Character Points.
In D&D 3e the closest thing to a mechanical representation of a Character's behavior is the Alignment system. Depending on how the GM intends to handle the concept of Alignment in the HERO System, Characters with particularly strong Alignment orientations may take Disadvantages appropriate to model their particular Alignment.
Suggestions for how to handle Alignment in the HERO System are addressed in the Alignment Considerations document for the GM's benefit; as a player consult with your GM prior to converting the Character to discover how they intend to handle Alignment in their own campaign..
The best source of Disadvantages for your Character are their background stories, things that occurred to them during the course of play prior to converting them, and the way their personality has been depicted by you in the past.
Consider if the Character has any driving obsessions, urges, fears, credos by which they live, or predictable behaviors; these are all good sources of Psychological Disadvantages.
Is your Character particularly recognizable, infamous, hunted, under scrutiny, subject to orders or fealty, or a practitioner of a profession that is not legal? All are good sources for Distinctive Features, negative Reputations, Hunteds or Watcheds, and Social Limitations.
Does your Character lose control of themselves, feel a need to compete with others of a certain profession or specialty, suffer from unfortunate luck, or have a dependency of some sort? All justifications for Enrageds, Rivalries, Unluck, and Dependence.
And so on. If you can't mine your Character's background, exploits, and personality for a mere 75 points of solid and valid Disadvantages either your character isn't that interesting or you just aren't trying very hard.
When finished selecting your Character's Disadvantages, tally the Disadvantage Total and move on to Step 7.