Sample Rogue:
Kaira Swanwing (Wizard / Rogue)
Ptolus, City by the Spire |
Rogues are those who stray outside the straight
and narrows. They are ultimately the most
skilled of all classes, surpassing all others
in sheer variety of abilities. Examples
of Rogues in fiction range from Walter Slovotsky
to Jimmy the Hand, from Matrim Cauthon to
Regis, from Roo Avery to Kami D'Shai, from
Master Thinal to Pel, to perhaps the most
well known rogues of them all, Gord of Greyhawk
and the Grey Mouser.
While other classes develop martial abilities
and practice arcane arts, Rogues tend to
concentrate on skills that allow them to
operate outside "the System".
They hone their personal skills and develop
their dexterity. Most Rogues put almost
all of their points into increasing old
and learning new skills and abilities. Speed
and agility tend to be a Rogue's trademark,
for a slow Rogue is often a dead one. Rogues
also often have preternaturally sharp senses
and an innate sense for danger which saves
their neck where a less attuned adventurer
would surely die. Also many Rogues seems
possessed of absurd good fortune and luck
in dire straits. |
The following guidelines provide advice
on how to take a D&D 3e Rogue and convert
them into the HERO System. |
Rogue Class Ability Considerations |
Some D&D 3e Classes gain the ability to
be very dodgy and difficult to flank. Since
Uncanny Dodge is rooted in system-specific
mechanics, it loses a lot of its relevance
in the HERO System. However, the following
examples translate the concept into abilities
that are useful from a HERO System perspective. |
In the HERO System there is an ability called
Defense Maneuver that is somewhat analogous
to Uncanny Dodge, and is a very useful ability
to have for any Character that expects to
be involved in swirling melees. |
Uncanny Dodge (DEX Bonus to AC):
Defense Maneuver IV |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Defense Maneuver IV already prevents Flanking
in as far as the concept exists in the HERO
System. However, a Character could take
this even further and make themselves adept
at using multiple attackers against themselves
to avoid getting hit. |
Uncanny Dodge (Cant be Flanked):
+4 DCV; Only vs Multiple Attackers (-1) |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
This is a concept that has no real parallel
in the HERO System as a separate mechanic.
However, a Character could make themselves
particularly good at avoiding Traps if they
like. |
Uncanny Dodge (+X vs Traps): +X DCV;
Only vs Traps (-2) |
Real Cost: 1.6 Points per +1 DCV |
The Great Equalizer. This is the Class Feature
that ensures that no one can completely
discount a Rogue. If you can't see a Rogue,
you had better assume they are lining up
to take a choice piece of meat from your
back. Untold encounters have been abruptly
ended or swung when a Rogue finally managed
to work into position and plant a short
sword between the bad guy's shoulder blades. |
Deadly Blow Based |
In the HERO System probably the most efficient
way of modeling this ability is via a Talent
new to Fantasy HERO for HERO System 5th
Edition called Deadly Blow (the Sneak Attack
variant). However, not all GM's allow Deadly
Blow, so check with yours first. |
Deadly Blow (Sneak Attack): 1d6 KA
Only With Blows Struck From Behind or Against
Surprised Targets |
Real Cost: 7.5 Points per d6 |
Skill Level Based
You can also do Sneak Attack using Skill
Levels. If your campaign is using Heroic
damage, every two CSL's converted to damage
raises the attack by +1 DC; if using Superheroic
damage every two CSL's converted to damage
raises the attack by +1 BODY.
In both cases you can no more than double
the base damage of the weapon via all modifiers,
so very strong characters may not derive
any benefit from this.
NOTE: The Deadly Blow variant is
much more efficient than using Limited CSL's.
However, if your GM's allows Deadly Blow
don't even consider this method. |
Sneak Attack Skillz: +2 with HTH
Combat (10 Active Points); Only With Blows
Struck From Behind or Against Surprised
Targets (-1/2), Only To Convert To Damage
(-1) |
Real Cost: 4 Points per 2 CSL's |
Find Weakness Based
You could also do Sneak Attack as a Limited
Find Weakness. This has the downside of
taking extra time to execute, being prone
to total failure, and is of diminishing
returns vs. opponents with little or no
armor, but has the plus side of circumventing
the defenses of extremely well protected
opponents if the roll is made.
NOTE: This ability would be useful
in higher point campaigns (300 points and
up), but not very useful at all in lower
point campaigns. |
Don't Turn Your Back On Me: Find
Weakness 11- (Related Group of Attacks)
(20 Active Points); Only With Blows Struck
From Behind or Against Surprised Targets
(-1/2) |
Real Cost: 13.3 Points, +3.3 Points
per +1 to Roll
Possibly the most abusive Class Feature
in D&D 3e and one of the abilities that
make Rogues so over-the-top capable. Though
not quite as absolute and effortless, the
ability to escape harm if you are lucky
exists for all characters in the HERO System
under the guise of the Dive For Cover optional
Flying Dodge Maneuver |
If a character wanted to be particularly
good at "Diving for Cover" the
most direct and efficient way to do so is
to take a Martial Maneuver listed in the
Ultimate Martial Artist called Flying Dodge.
For five Character Points your character
can be an expert at getting out of the way
of things.
However, under HERO System 5th Edition rules,
a character must spend at least ten Character
Points on Martial Arts to have any at all;
to comply with this restriction the Flying
Grab maneuver is recommended as well. |
Evasion: (Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase,
-- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort;
FMove); Real Cost: 5 Points |
Snatch 'n Run: (Flying Grab: 1/2
Phase, -2 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, +10
STR for holding on; FMove); Real Cost: 5
Points |
Total Real Cost: 10 Points |
Improved Evasion |
There is no direct corollary of Improved
Evasion into the HERO System per se. However,
you might consider taking a limited Damage
Reduction, only usable when Diving for Cover,
Dodging, or Flying Dodging to simulate taking
half damage only, even if hit. |
Improved Evasion:
Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%
(30 Active Points); Only when Diving For
Cover, Dodging, or Flying Dodging (-2) (Real
Cost: 10)
Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%
(30 Active Points); Only when Diving For
Cover, Dodging, or Flying Dodging (-2) (Real
Cost: 10) |
Real Cost: 20 Points |
Related to Sneak Attack, this is one of
the advanced abilities a Rouge may choose
from as they advance in D&D 3e, this
is easily handled using he Crippling Blow
Talent listed on page 104 of the Fantasy
HERO for HERO System 5th Edition document. |
Seeping Wound |
Rather than disabling an opponent, an interesting
variant might be to inflict a wound that
keeps bleeding out, weakening an opponent
as a fight wears on. |
Seeping Wound: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand
+1 pip (plus STR) (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance
0 END (+1/2), Uncontrolled (Ended by a Paramedic
Check or Healing) (+1/2), Continuous (+1),
Penetrating (x2; +1) (20 Active Points);
OIF (Weapon of Opportunity; -1/2) |
Real Cost: 13 Points |
Another optional high-level Rogue ability,
this allows a Rogue to make an attack of
opportunity against an opponent that has
been hit for damage by some other character.
This is easily handled by use of a variant
of the Follow Through Attack Talent on page
106 of the Fantasy HERO for HERO System
5th Edition supplement. |
Opportunist Talent |
Alternately, you could with GM's permission
use this Talent to model being an Opportunist. |
Opportunist: You may strike a melee
opponent that has been hit and taken damage
by any other character with any HKA based
weapon; this attack must be prepared in
advance as a Half-Phase Action, but stays
readied until used or your character looses
consciousness. If the situation presents
itself and you are capable of doing so you
must make the attack.
[Bought as Naked Modifier on up to 4d6 HKA,
Trigger: When A Melee Opponent Is Damaged
By Another Character (+1/4) (15 Active Points);
OIF (Melee Weapon of Opportunity; -1/2)]
Costs 1 END Per use |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Another optional high-level Rogue ability,
this allows a Rogue to roll with a hit and
therefore take less damage from it. In the
HERO System all characters can do this vs.
melee attacks if the Optional Roll With
A Punch maneuver is allowed. If it isn't,
your GM might consider allowing your character
to buy access to it like a Martial Arts
Maneuver for 5 Points.
Either way, the D&D 3e version is limited
sufficiently to make it fairly useless,
but in the HERO System you can Roll With
A Punch with each of your Phases if you
really wanted to. In the HERO System, Roll
With A Punch is unique in that it is the
only Abort action you can take after
you've been hit, giving you a last ditch
chance at survival if all else fails.
Roll With A Punch is an opposed OCV roll
just like Block, except that it suffers
a -2 OCV penalty. To be able to reliably
Roll With A Punch consider buying the following
ability. |
Defensive Roll: +5 OCV Roll With
A Punch |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Improved Defensive Roll |
For a character that somehow manages to
skate out of real damage when using Roll
With A Punch, consider also taking the below
ability. |
Improved Defensive Roll:
Just Grazed Me: Armor (12 PD/0 ED)
(18 Active Points); Only When Using Roll
With A Punch (-2) (Real Cost: 6) |
Knockback Avoidance: Knockback Resistance
-6" (12 Active Points); Only When Using
Roll With A Punch (-2) (Real Cost: 4) |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Another optional high-level Rogue ability,
this allows a character to "take 10"
even in stressful situations, which basically
ensures success at routine taskes. This
is rooted in D&D 3e game mechanics,
but translates nicely into skill bonuses
in the HERO System. |
Skill Mastery: +5 with any one Skill |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Another optional high-level Rogue ability,
this allows a Rogue to resist long term
mind affecting Spells and abilities. In
the HERO System all characters can do this
via a Breakout Roll. To make a character
particularly good at it consider the following
ability. |
Slippery Mind: +5 with Breakout Rolls
Real Cost: 10 Points |
An Ounce Of Prevention |
Alternately or in addition you might consider
just heading Mental Powers off at the pass,
diminishing the need to make Breakout rolls
at all, by simply buying some Mental Defense. |
Mental Dissembling: +10 Mental Defense |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Resolute |
You might also consider just raising your
EGO, making yourself harder to affect with
Mental Powers overall, and also protecting
yourself against Presence Attacks. |
Strong Mind: +5 EGO |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Fight the Power |
Alternately or in addition, you might decide
that the best defense is a good offense,
and stop Mentalists from getting in at all.
Aggressive Mind: +2 ECV |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Rogues are generally dexterous, nimble individuals.
However, in D&D 3e aside from improving
ranged combat capacity the Dexterity statistic
was primarily defensive, while in the HERO
System DEX determines a Character's base
chance to not get hit but also the chance
to hit. Due to this DEX is also priced at
a steeper rate than all other Primary Characteristics;
each point of DEX costs three Character
Points. |
This can have some odd effects when you
convert characters from D&D 3e into
the HERO System, resulting in Rogues that
are much better at hitting by default than
highly skilled Warriors.
There is nothing wrong with this by default,
as more martial types are sure to invest
in Combat Skill Levels which will eventually
offset the difference, but it is definitely
something to keep in mind. The biggest downside
from the perspective of a Rogue player is
that when they convert their Character their
DEX Characteristic in the HERO System is
likely going to cost them a lot of points.
Further many Skills typically used by Rogues
are DEX based, but due to the high cost
of DEX it is expensive to raise a Character's
DEX to the levels many players consider
adequate. |
Fortunately there are some alternatives
to this conundrum.
Skill Levels with DEX Based Skills |
The HERO System has a concept known as Skill
Levels, which are bonuses that can be bought
with groups of Skills and / or abilities
that require resolution rolls...and there
is even a version available that is usable
with all such abilities. This is
a powerful enabler of synergy for Characters
that are not mono-dimensional and have a
broad range of Skills and abilities. |
There are many variations of Skill Levels,
but Rogues in particular should consider
10 point Overall Levels (which are usable
for combat, Perception Checks, and Find
Weakness rolls, among other things), 8 point
Skill Levels with All Non-Combat Skills
and 5 point Skill Levels with DEX based
Skills. |
A character can start off with DEX Based
Skill Levels and then upgrade them to All
Non-Combat and/or Overall Levels (or start
with All Non-Combat and upgrade them to
Overall Levels) with Experience.
Adept: +3 with DEX Based Skills;
Real Cost: 15 Points |
Well Rounded: +2 with All Non-Combat
Skills; Real Cost: 16 Points |
Puissant: +2 with Overall; Real Cost:
20 Points |
Lightning Reflexes |
There is a Talent called Lightning Reflexes,
which is effectively DEX bought with the
Limitation Only To Go First In A Phase (-1)
and you can buy it with one attack or with
all attacks.
The downside to Lightning Reflexes with
only One Action is that you can't move or
reposition when you use it (unless that
is part of the attack), so it effectively
costs a Half Phase Action to use. The upside
is that you can get the drop on an opponent
that is otherwise quicker than you. |
Lightning Reflexes with All Actions on the
other hand has no real downside and effectively
gives you a permanent Initiative boost. |
Lightning Reflexes: +10 with One
Action; Real Cost: 10 Points |
Improved Lightning Reflexes: +10
with All Actions; Real Cost: 15 Points |
A Rogues ability to pilfer and steal is
an important one for many Characters. As
it happens, in the HERO System this ability
is handled by a Skill with the exact same
name as in D&D 3e. Sleight of Hand serves
as an all purpose Skill for Rogues in fact,
allowing all sorts of applications where
a fast and/or unseen hand can be made handy. |
Pick Pockets: Sleight of Hand Skill
(DEX based); Real Cost: 3 Points. To raise
the percentile, buy levels with Sleight
of Hand (2 Points for +1), or with all DEX
based skills as a group (5 pts for +1) |
Skilled Pickpocket: Sleight of Hand
Skill (DEX based) +3; Real Cost: 9 Points.
Expert Pickpocket: Sleight of Hand
Skill (DEX based) +6; Real Cost: 15 Points.
Master Pickpocket: Sleight of Hand
Skill (DEX based) +9; Real Cost: 21 Points.
In the HERO System this useful Rogue ability
is handled quite simply as a skill purchase
as well; Lockpicking. To be able to regularly
pick through Very High Quality locks, a
Rogue should be able to casually take a
-9 penalty in stride. |
Open Lock: Lockpicking (DEX based);
Real Cost: 3Points. To raise the percentile
equivalency, buy levels with Open Lock (2
Points for +1), or with all DEX based skills
as a group (5 pts for +1) |
Skilled Lockpicker: Lockpicking (DEX
based) +3; Real Cost: 9 Points.
Expert Lockpicker: Lockpicking (DEX
based) +6; Real Cost: 15 Points.
Master Lockpicker: Lockpicking (DEX
based) +9; Real Cost: 21 Points.
Magic Locks
Some locks are mystical rather than physical
and require magic to get through; others
are strangely designed compared to conventional
locks. However, in some games it may be
appropriate for a particularly adept Rogue
to be able to circumvent even this kind
of "lock"; seek GM's permission
before purchasing this sort of ability however. |
Sublime Lockpicker: Suppress vs Unusual
Locks: 16d6, Variable Effect One Power At
A Time (Any 1 Power construct "Lock";
+1/4), Delayed Return Rate (Points return
at the rate of 5 per 5 Minutes) (+1/2),
Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (180 Active
Extra Time 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1
1/4), Character May Take No Other Actions
(-1/4), Limited Special Effect Uncommon
SFX (-1), Lock Completely reset after 5
Minutes (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed
(-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Concentration 1/2
DCV (-1/4), Requires A Lockpicking Skill
Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll,
RSR Skill is subject to Lockpicking Skill
vs. Magic Skill of Locking Caster -1/4);
Real Cost: 30 Points |
The ability to Disable Traps and whatnot
was not only good in the pursuit of lining
a Rogue's own pockets, but it also gave
a significant advantage in terms of usefulness-to-the-party.
The ability to Find and Remove Traps made
a good Rogue a necessity for most dungeon
Remove Traps
The Security System skill is used to both
remove and to install traps in the HERO
System. Similar to Lockpicking, there are
heavy penalties involved depending on the
quality of a particular trap; thus it behooves
a Rogue to have a very high skill roll,
capable of absorbing a -10 penalty or more
in extreme cases.
Trap Mastery: Security Systems +5;
Real Cost: 13 Points |
Master Trap-springer: Security Systems
+10; Real Cost: 23 Points |
Magic Traps |
In a genre with magic available, invariably
some traps will be Magical in nature. In
some High Fantasy games it might be appropriate
for an experienced Rogue to be able to disarm
Magical traps as well. This can be managed
with a Dispel vs. SFX: "Magic Traps".
The SFX is that the Rogue figures out some
way to circumvent the magic, trigger the
trap harmlessly, or otherwise disarm it.
The GM determines the method for disarming
any particular trap, but the Power construct
presented below requires the Rogue to either
manipulate the trap directly or to set it
off from an adjoining hex or similar.
A failed roll may or may not set off the
trap as determined by the GM, but a roll
missed by three or more should certainly
trigger the trap. Due to the variation in
the RSR: DEX roll Limitation depending on
how good the character's DEX roll is, this
ability will cost more for more dexterous
Rogues. |
Sublime Remove Traps: Dispel Traps
20d6, Expanded Effect One At A Time (+1/4),
Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (105 Active
Points) |
Extra Time 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1
1/4), Character May Take No Other Actions
(-1/4), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2),
Concentration 1/2 DCV, Must Concentrate
throughout use of Constant Power (-1/2),
No Range (-1/2), Requires A DEX Roll (No
Active Point penalty to Skill Roll -1/2) |
Real Cost: 23 Points |
One of several outlets for the concept of
a "Perception Check" in D&D
3e, the Rouge ability to use Search to detect
particularly well hidden secret doors and
particularly well devised traps was a critical
tool in a crafty Rogue's repertoire.
PER Checks |
The HERO System already has a mechanic for
Characters to notice things, called a Perception
check. All Characters can do it, but a Rogue
can take PER bonuses to be particularly
good at it.
Search: +3 PER
Real Cost: 9 Points |
Concealment Skill |
The Concealment Skill is used both for hiding
things, and finding things that others have
hidden and thus can serve very handily as
a Search equivalent, particularly since
Concealment is a Skill that is generally
useful for Rogues anyway. |
Hiding Things: Concealment (Real
Cost: 3) |
Finding Things: +5 w/ Concealment
(Only To Find Things; -1) (Real Cost: 5) |
Real Cost: 8 Points |
Heightened Awareness |
In a higher powered game it might be acceptable
for Rogues to have unusual Detects bought
as "Super Skill" type Powers,
or even outright Spatial Awareness to represent
their uncanny alertness and attention to
detail. This requires GM's permission. |
Advanced Search: Spatial Awareness
(Analyze, Discriminatory, Increased Arc
of Perception: 360-Degree) (37 Active Points);
Sense Affected As More Than One Sense (Sight
Group, Unusual) (-1/4);
Real Cost: 30 Points |
Find Traps
The most direct way to "find"
anything in the HERO System is to define
a custom Detect for the thing you wish to
locate or notice. This requires GM's permission.
Detect Traps: Detect A Class Of Things
14- [Separate Sense], Analyze, Discriminatory,
Increased Arc of Perception: 240-Degree,
Range, Sense |
Real Cost: 25 Points |
The trademark Rogue abilities, the ability
to be sneaky is a crucial one for most Rogues. |
Concealment & Stealth |
Hide and Move Silently map directly to Concealment
and Stealth in the HERO System; there is
practically no difference between them.
Move Silently: Stealth +1 |
Hide: Concealment +1 |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Invisibility |
In a higher powered campaign it might be
acceptable for a Rogue to be so good at
hiding and moving silently that they are
effective invisible. This requires GM's
permission. |
Advanced Move Silently & Hide:
Move Silently: Stealth +1 |
Hide: Concealment +1 |
Can't See Me: Invisibility to Sight
Group, Normal Hearing, Reduced Endurance
0 END (+1/2) (34 Active Points); Only When
Not Attacking (-1/2), Only in Shadows or
Darkness (-1/2), Requires A Stealth or Concealment
Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill
Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points -1/4) (Real
Cost: 15) |
Total Real Cost: 25 Points
A staple of many Fantasy settings, Rogues are skilled complements to any group of
player characters. Perhaps the most versatile of all professions, no two Rogues
need be the same, as there is a tremendous amount of room for customization. Each
Rogue's personal ability set is a story just waiting to be told; the best Rogue
characters have abilities backed up by a detailed background establishing of how
they have acquired such experience.
Compared to other Professions they emphasize personal talent and learned techniques
backed up by quick wits and quicker feet. Rogues often rely on equipment, such as
lock picks, house breaker harnesses, Thief's Tools, and most also know their way
around a dagger or other sharp implement, but a Rogue's most powerful asset is their
own self.
Presented below are an assortment of Basic Packages, Extension Packages, and Composite
Packages for your use.