Elven Blooded
Elven Blooded are typically the descendants of Half Elves; mostly Human but with some vestiges of Elven heritage. Elven blood can take several generations to exit a bloodline, and in the meantime descendants of that line often exhibit some, or perhaps one trait typical of Elvenkind, such as enhanced senses or deftness.
Cost Ability
3 Graceful: +1 DEX
9 Quick: +1 SPD
1 Attractive: +2 COM
3 Alert: Lightsleep
3 Elven Senses: +1 PER All Senses
1 Longevity: LS: 150 Years
3 Human Talent: Choose One:
  • Absolute Range Sense
  • Absolute Time Sense
  • Ambidexterity (Off Hand at -2)
  • Bump of Direction
  • Good Memory (Eidetic Memory; Requires INT Roll (-1/2))
  • Environmental Movement (3 points worth)
  • Lightning Reflexes +2 for all Actions
  • Perfect Pitch
  • Resistance (3) (Resist Interrogation)
  • Drama Critic (3) (Resist Acting)
  • Incorruptible (3) (Resist Bribery)
  • Rulesmonger (3) (Resist Bureaucratics)
  • Tight-Lipped (3) (Resist Conversation)
  • Blase (3) (Resist Oratory)
  • Immovable (3) (Reist Persuasion)
  • Unfriendly (3) (Resist Seduction)
  • Hard Bargainer (3) (Resist Trading)
3 Human Work Ethic: 3 points worth of Professional Skills
5 Human Diversity:  3 points worth of  Area, Cultural, or general Knowledge Skills
Value Disadvantages
-20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Distinctive Feature: Elven-blooded  (Concealable, Occasionally Noticed, Occasional Reaction, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
-2 Slight: -1 BODY


Total Cost of Package

Race Package Deal
Elf Options
With the GM's permission you may upgrade any of the Package Deals listed above with options selected from the list below, where appropriate at Character Creation. You may not later add any of these abilities to the existing Package Deal, though you may buy them separately. The GM must approve all additional Disadvantages take for a given package; simply loading up on extra Racial Enmities and similar should only be allowed if valid for the character's background.
Cost Ability
3* Racial Enmity: +1 All Combat, vs. Orc-kin Only (-2)
3* Racial Enmity: +1 All Combat, vs. Drow and Drow Servants Only (-2)
3* Elven Archery: +1 OCV w/ all Bows
2* Elven Longsword Training: +1 OCV w/ Long Swords
5* Elven Cool: +10 PRE; Defensive Use Only
6 Elven Graces: 1 level of Combat Luck
20 Elven Animal Ken: Animal Friendship (Animal Handler [All Categories], PRE +3)
25 Elven Awareness: Danger Sense (Area: Immediate Vicinity, Function as a Sense, Intuitional, Sensitivity: Out of Combat) 14-
8 Elven Combat Archery: Combat Archery (+5 OCV with Bows, Only to Prevent Hitting Non-Enemies When Firing Into Melees (-2))
10 Elven Charm: Fascination (+25 PRE; Incantations Throughout (-1/2), only to make "Stop And Listen To Me" Presense Attacks)
6 Elven Stride: Trackless Stride (Gliding 9"; Ground Gliding (-1/4))
10 Elven Anti-Concealment: Detect Concealed Doors & Passages, Discriminatory, Sense
10 Elven Fighting: Two Weapon Fighting: HtH
2 Elven Weapons Group: WF: Blades, Spears, Bows
* May take Multiple Times
Value Disadvantages
-2 Frail: -2 STR
-4 Fragile: -2 CON
-10 Psychological Limitation: Racial Enmity: Orc-kin (Uncommon, Strong)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Racial Enmity: Drow and Drow Servants (Uncommon, Strong)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Arrogant & Haughty (Common, Moderate)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Ethnocentricity (Common, Moderate)