Troubadours use the Troubadourus Magic System detailed here.
Troubadours channel strange Magic thru various musical Instruments, with each Instrument producing Magic of a different sort.
In addition to knowledge of how to tap the power of their music, a Troubadour also needs a sturdy constitution, for channeling their Magic is a tiring process.
Cost Ability
30 30 points worth of Instrument Familiarities
5 Troubadour Lore: Power (EGO-based) +1
16 Resilient: +8 CON
2 Professional Skill (Instrument of Choice)
1 Weapon Familiarity of Choice
1 Literacy
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
var Additional Instrument Familiarities
var Additional Professional Skills for Instruments
var Contacts and/or Favors
5 Confident: +5 PRE
10 Self Assured: +10 PRE
3 KS: Current Events
3 KS: Popular Music
3 Excellent Speaker: Oratory
3 Interesting Conversationalist: Conversation
3 Convincing: Persuasion
3 Smooth Operator: Streetwise
3 Socially Adroit: High Society
3 Jack of All Trades Skill Enhancer
3 Traveler Skill Enhancer
3 Well Connected Skill Enhancer