Human Spellsword
Cost Ability
0 Human or Athletic Human
33 Prodigal
17 Arcane Might: +1 Spell Level (15 Pool)
55 Savage
3 Dexterous: +1 DEX
2 Hale: +2 STR


Total Cost of Template

Race Package Deal
Human (Skilled)
Humans within the confines of most Fantasy settings are usually more aggressive and imperialistic, and thus have usually carved out large niches of land for themselves, and seem prone to forming various nations of differing types of government. and outlook.
Humans are typically much more diverse than other non-Human Races, with people running the gamut of physical and mental traits.
Humans tend towards practical enterprise, and most have learned useful job skills by adulthood either by apprenticeship, from fathers or older brothers, or the like. Further, within the confines of the genre, humans tend to be adaptable to changing events and times.
The following Package Deal is required for all Humans, but contains many "Choose Any 1 of:" groupings and categories of abilities. When selecting this Package Deal, simply make choices where indicated to tailor the Package to your Character's concept.
Cost Ability
2 Human Athleticism: Choose One:
  • +1 PER with 1 Sense Group
  • +1" Running
  • +2" Swimming
  • +2" Leaping
  • 2 points worth of Weapon Familiarities
  • +1 with Acrobatics (must buy base Skill)
  • +1 with Breakfall (must buy base Skill)
  • +1 with Climbing (must buy base Skill)
3 Human Talent: Choose One:
  • Absolute Range Sense
  • Absolute Time Sense
  • Ambidexterity (Off Hand at -2)
  • Bump of Direction
  • Good Memory (Eidetic Memory; Requires INT Roll (-1/2))
  • Environmental Movement (3 points worth)
  • Lightning Reflexes +2 for all Actions
  • Lightsleep
  • Perfect Pitch
  • Resistance (3) (Resist Interrogation)
  • Drama Critic (3) (Resist Acting)
  • Incorruptible (3) (Resist Bribery)
  • Rulesmonger (3) (Resist Bureaucratics)
  • Tight-Lipped (3) (Resist Conversation)
  • Blase (3) (Resist Oratory)
  • Immovable (3) (Reist Persuasion)
  • Unfriendly (3) (Resist Seduction)
  • Hard Bargainer (3) (Resist Trading)
  • Some other Talent(s) or Perk(s) worth 3 points
10 Human Diversity & Work Ethic: Choose 10 points worth of Professional Skills, Knowledge Skills, Area Knowledges, Cultural Knowledges, or background appropriate Skills or Perks such as Languages, Streetwise, High Society, Riding, Wealth, Favors, etc in any combination.
10 Human Adaptability: +1 Overall Level
Value Disadvantages
-20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Distinctive Feature: Human (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
+0 Total Cost of Package

Race Package Deal
Human (Athletic)
Some Human subgroups tend to focus on Physical endeavors and favor athleticism. Some "barbarian" or martial cultures might encourage the development of the warrior arts from a very young age for example.
The following Package Deal might be more appropriate for some Characters than the more skill oriented standard Human Package above.
This Package contains many "Choose X:" groupings and categories of abilities. When selecting this Package Deal, simply make choices where indicated to tailor the Package to your Character's concept.
Cost Ability
6 Human Might*: Choose One:
  • Burly: +2 STR +1 CON +1 BODY
  • Potent: +3 STR +1 DEX
  • Tough: +3 CON
  • Sturdy: +3 BODY
  • Quick: +2 DEX
6 Human Talent: Choose Two:
  • Absolute Range Sense
  • Ambidexterity (Off Hand at -2)
    {or Off Hand at -1 if taken twice}
  • Bump of Direction
  • Good Memory (Eidetic Memory; Requires INT Roll (-1/2))
    {or Eidetic Memory and +1 INT* if taken twice}
  • Environmental Movement (3 points worth)
  • Lightning Reflexes +2 for all Actions
  • Lightsleep
  • Resistance (3) (Resist Interrogation)
  • Incorruptible (3) (Resist Bribery)
  • Immovable (3) (Reist Persuasion)
  • Unfriendly (3) (Resist Seduction)
  • Hard Bargainer (3) (Resist Trading)
  • Acrobatics
  • Breakfall
  • Climbing
  • Fast Draw
  • Riding
  • Survival
  • Tracking
  • +1 PER All Senses
4 Human Athleticism: Choose Two:
  • +1 PER with 1 Sense Group
  • +1" Running
  • +2" Swimming
  • +2" Leaping
  • Trackless Stride
  • +1 OCV w/ one Weapon
5 Basic Combat Skill: Choose One:
  • +1 HtH
  • +1 Ranged
  • +1 DCV
1 Basic Combat Skill: Choose 1 Point of Weapon Familiarity
3 Human Diversity: 3 points worth of Knowledge Skills, or Area Knowledges, City Knowledges, or Cultural Knowledges
*Not affected by NCM
Value Disadvantages
-20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Distinctive Feature: Human (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
+0 Total Cost of Package

Extention Package Deals
The Wizardry Magic System is detailed here.
The Prodigal may have attended a formal University of Magic, been instructed by a Mentor, or otherwise received instuction in the Wizardly Arts (perhaps by a Spellcasting parent) but either way they received many years of instruction and then either quit, got kicked out, were given up on by their instructors, or something else occured that prevented them from finishing their training. Some continue to educate themselves as best they can.
The Prodigal Package is useful for any half-trained Wizard concept, or even for a "multiclass" character that split their time between Magic and some other pursuit. Also, a Character built on the Prodigal can always improve their Magic capabilities as they progress, so its a good starting point for mixed background concepts.
Cost Ability
17 Wizard VPP (15 Pool)
15 Spellcraft 11-
1 Literacy w/ Native Language
Value Disadvantages
0 None


Total Cost of Package

Basic Package Deals
Savages are warriors from more primitive and / or less civilized lands who rely on sheer athleticism and moxy rather than fancy or well crafted armaments. Savages tend to focus on survival and overall fitness.
Savages can be somewhat similar to Light Foot but without concentrating overly much on the mastery of a specific weapon (to a Savage everything is a weapon), and with more concentration on raw athletic ability.
Despite the connotation of the word "savage", Savages are not ravening brutes by default; they are simply primal and unspoiled by more advanced modicums of behavior. Many Savages follow a personal or cultural Code of behavior that, while typically more practical and/or direct, is nevertheless as binding to them as a well defined Code of Chivalry is to the most hide-bound and chivalrous of Knights. This is a concept often referred to as "the Noble Savage".
Cost Ability
3 Strong: +3 STR
3 Quick: +1 DEX
10 Nimble: +1 SPD
6 Durable: +3 CON
6 Resilient: +3 BODY
16 Choose One:
  • Combat Skill Levels: +2 All Combat
  • Combat Skill Levels: +2 DCV and
    +2 OCV w/ Tight Group
  • Skill Levels: +1 Overall Level and
    +2 OCV w/ Tight Group
  • Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks and
    Telescopic Sight: +4 with Normal Sight only to Offset Range Penalties and
    Enhanced Perception: +2 PER with Normal Sight
2 AF: Light Armor Proficiency
1 AF: Shield Proficiency
6 WF: Common Melee, Common Missile, Uncommon Melee
2 Survival: Any 1 Environment
55 Total Ability Cost
Value Disadvantages
0 None
+55 Total Cost of Package
Cost Options
12 Fleet: +2" Run (8" Total), Reduced Endurance (0 End, +1/2), Affects Base
5 Frightening Intensity: +10 PRE; Offensive Use Only (-1)
5 Fearless: +10 PRE; Defensive Use Only (-1)
4 Weapon Strength: +8 STR, No Figured (-1/2), Only to Offset Strength Minima (-1/2)
10 Lethal: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any weapon
6 Shifty: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
4 Dodgy: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Not Wearing Armor (-1/2)
4 Second Skin: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) (6 Active Points); Only While Wearing Light Armor (-1/2)
5 Savage Resilience: Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)
10 Savage Recovery: +15 REC (30 Active Points); Only When Taking A Non-Post Segment 12 Recovery In Combat (-2)
-5 Physical Limitation: Old Injury (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
-5 Psychological Limitation: Savage Code (Define) (Uncommon, Moderate)
-10 Psychological Limitation: Dislikes Magic & Those Who Use It (Common, Moderate)
-10 Rivalry with other Warriors (More Powerful, Group, Professional, Unaware, Outdo)
-5 Social Limitation: Savage (Feared & Discriminated against in cities) (Frequently; Minor; Not Limiting In Some Cultures)