Player Classes


I'm very happy with the changes to warlock, but make the following tweaks to the base class at my table:

Base Class House Rules

Level 2: Magical Cunning

Magical Cunning can be done as a Magic action instead of as a one minute rite.

Level 11, 13, 15, 17: Mystic Arcanum

This feature instead grants a spell slot of the indicated level, and a prepared spell of that level. The spell slots gained from this feature can be used to upcast other prepared spells.

Spell List

The following spells are added to the Warlock Spell List.

Extended Warlock Spells
Spell Level Spells
Fog, Ice Knife, Sleep
Animal Messenger, Arcane Vigor, See Invisibility
Bestow Curse, Glyph of Warding
Confusion, Phantasmal Killer
Animate Object, Geas
Find the Path, Guards & Wards
Magic Jar, Symbol, Teleport
Control Weather, Telepathy


Pact of the Harvest, which offers ancient insights into the circle of life and death, and knowledge of certain druidic mysteries. Also, various other invocations that require this Pact as a prerequisite.

Great Old One Patron House Rules

I really like where this subclass ended up. However, the following adjustment is in effect for this subclass at my table, for thematic and quality of life purposes:

Level 3: Psychic Spells

When you cast a spell that deals damage you can change its damage type to Psychic. In addition, when you cast a Warlock spell that is a Divination, Enchantment, or Illusion you can do so without Verbal or Somatic components.

Withering Bloom Patron

This homebrewed subclass offers the Withering Bloom Patron, for warlocks inspired by entities focused on the duality of life and death such as a Arawn, Valkauna, Silvanus, and Kali...or who perhaps are inspired by the natural cycle of life and death itself.