The archetypal arcanoklept uses magic to improve their thievery, and thievery to steal more magic. It's a simple synergy, but that's what's so great about it. Every spell and item you steal makes you better at stealing even more.
You gain Expertise with Arcana if already proficient, otherwise you gain Proficiency with Arcana.
You have learned to cast Wizard spells, using the Spellbook rules described for Wizards and the Spell Slots, Prepared Spells of Level 1+, Changing Your Prepared Spells, Spellcasting Ability, and Spellcasting Focus rules described for Arcane Tricksters.
Cantrips. You know two cantrips of your choice form the Wizard spell list. Whenever you gain a Rogue level you can replace one of these cantrips with another Wizard cantrip of your choice. You learn another Wizard cantrip of your choice at Rogue levels 7 and 15.
You learn various tricks pertaining to your fascination with acquiring and using new magic. You gain your choice of one of the following feature options. You gain another of the following feature options of your choice that you do not already have when you gain Rogue levels 9, 13, and 17.
*Attunement Tricks. You gain the ability to attune to more items, faster.
*Magic Device Tricks. You gain the ability to detect magic items, and to use items not intended for you.
*Scroll Tricks. You learn how to cheat a bit on the enscribing of spells, and can attempt to use any Spell Scroll.
*Siphoning Tricks. You can steal magical power from magic items that have charges.
*Sleighting Tricks. You learn how to combine your roguish and arcane capabilities in interesting ways.
*Spellfilching Tricks. You learn how to steal the magic of a spell, to later enscribe or cast it.
You have gained the ability to attune to more items, faster.
Extra Attunements. The maximum number of magic items you can attune to is increased by 1, or by 2 if you are Rogue level 13 or higher.
Instant Attunement. As a Magic Action during your turn, you can instantly attune to an unattended magic item that you are touching. If you are already at your attunement limit you must first lose attunement with a non-cursed magic item of your choice (as a non action). If another creature was attuned to the item they lose that attunement.
Once you have used this feature to instantly attune to an item you must complete a Short or Long Rest before doing so again. Alternately, you can expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher as a non action to restore your use of this ability.
You have gained the ability to detect magic items, and to use items not intended for you.
Sense Magic Devices. You gain the ability to sense the presence of magic items. As a Magic action during your turn you can begin concentrating as if on a spell. While your Concentration is maintained your Speed is halved but you are able to sense the presence of magic items within a range equal to 20 feet for every 8 Rogue levels you have (rounded up). This sense can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
While your Concentration is maintained, as a Bonus Action you may choose a magic item you have sensed and learn its general potency (weak, strong, overpowering), if it requires attunement, and how many charges it currently has (if any). You don't learn anything else about the item, such as what it looks like if it is not visible, its properties, command words, or if it is cursed.
If you take a second Bonus Action to learn more about the same item in your following turn, you also learn its properties and how to use them, whether any ongoing spells are affecting the item and what they are, and if the item was created by a spell you learn that spell's name. If you take a third Bonus Action to learn more about the same item in your next turn after that, you learn if the item is cursed, and if you cannot see the item you develop a mental image of what it looks like.
Use Magic Devices. You ignore all class, species, level, and spell requirements on attuning to or using magic items other than Spell Scrolls.
You have learned how to cheat a bit on enscribing spells, and can attempt to use any Spell Scroll.
Crib Sheet. If you have a blank scroll, a writing implement, ink, and access to a spellbook, you can spend
You can maintain one crib sheet at a time, preparing another crib sheet causes a previously enscribed one to disappear from its scroll. Your crib sheets are only usable by you.
Spell Scroll Usage. You can attempt to use any Spell Scroll, regardless of spell list restrictions.
You can steal magical power from certain magic items.
Charge Siphoning. You can take a Magic action during your turn to expend 1d4 charges from a magic item you are holding or an unattended magic item you are touching, but no more than the item has. If the magic item has no charges remaining or does not have charges at all, nothing happens. For items that require attunement, you must be attuned to that item to siphon charges from it. Siphoning the last charge from a magic item triggers any effect it may have that occurs when its last charge is used.
You may immediately use the siphoned charges to either recover one or more spell slots, or to recharge a second magic item. Any unused charges are lost at the end of the action.
Recharge Magic Item. When you siphon charges from a magic item you can transfer them into a different magic item you are aware of within 30 feet of yourself, causing it to recover up to an equal number of charges. If the second item is fully charged or doesn't use charges, nothing happens. For example, if you siphon 2 charges from an item you can cause another magic item within range to recover up to 2 charges.
Spell Slot Recovery. When you siphon charges from a magic item, you can use the energy of those charges to recover an equal number of spell slot levels. For example, if you siphon 3 charges from an item you can recover one level 3 spell slot, or three level 1 spell slots, or any combination that equals three total spell levels.
You have learned to combine your roguish and arcane capabilities in interesting ways.
Apportative Fetch. You can take a Magic action during your turn to teleport a visible unattended object within 15 feet of yourself that weighs no more than 5 lbs into one of your empty hands. If the object is small enough to fit entirely within your hand or to be concealed in some way (such as under a cloak), you can attempt to prevent observers from noticing you have the item by making a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the Passive Perception of those observers.
Arcane Legerdemain. Whenever you would make a Sleight of Hand check you can instead make an Arcana check if you prefer. Additionally, as a Magic action during your turn you can concentrate as if on a spell to conjure force based Thieves' Tools, which vanish when your Concentration on them ends.
Suppressive Stealth. As a Magic action during your turn you can concentrate as if on a spell to suppress the noise you make and subtly influence others to notice you less. For as long as you maintain your Concentration, you can add your Intelligence modifier as a bonus to your Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
You can attempt to steal the magic of a spell, to later enscribe or cast it.
Steal Spell. When you see a creature within 60 feet of yourself casting a spell with Verbal, Somatic, or Material components, you can take a Reaction to attempt to interrupt their casting and steal the magic of their spell if you are not already storing a stolen spell.
The creature makes a Constitution saving throw against your spellcasting DC. On a failed save you steal the magic of the spell, causing it to dissipate with no effect, and the action, Bonus Action, or Reaction used to cast it is wasted. Any consumable Material components necessary to cast the spell are consumed, and if a spell slot was used to cast it that spell slot is expended.
Store Spell. The magical energy of a spell stolen in this way is stored within yourself until you die or expend it, but you can only store one stolen spell at a time. While you are storing a spell in this way, it is considered to be on your spell list and you are considered to have the spell prepared.
Use Spell. To expend a stolen spell, you can harmlessly release it (no action required), or you can enscribe the spell onto a Spell Scroll if you know how, or you can cast it without need of a spell slot or spell components as a Magic Action during one of your turns. If you cast a stolen spell that requires a spell slot higher than your highest spell slot, you must complete a Short or Long Rest before you can use this feature again.