

The following is an alternative / full replacement of the Hunter subclass for use in my campaigns.

Hunters are relentless pursuers of all manner of creatures, across all manner of terrain. Once a Hunter marks a target, it doesn't much matter whether their prey runs and hides or stands and fights. Hunters are adaptable, able to switch up their tactics, exploit any weaknesses, and evade or mitigate counterattacks as necessary to bring down their current quarry.

Level 3: Hunter's Lore

Some Hunters develop a keen awareness of their chosen prey, some master how to track, and others excel in the pursuit. You gain one of the following feature options of your choice.

 *Know the Course. Your Speed increases by 10 feet and difficult terrain does not slow your movement. In addition, you do not suffer Disadvantage on Wisdom or Dexterity checks due to moving at a Fast pace.

 *Know the Mark. You can cast Hunter's Mark without need of spell components. In addition, while a creature is marked by your Hunter's Mark, you know all Immunities, Resistances, and Vulnerabilities the creature has, if any. Furthermore, while you are on the same plane of existence as the creature, you have a sense of their relative health (Healthy, Bloodied, Unconscious, Dead), stamina (how many levels of Exhaustion they currently have), their relative distance from you (near, mid, far), and if they are moving.

 *Know the Quarry. You gain proficiency with Survival. If you already are proficient in Survival, you gain Expertise in Survival instead. In addition, you can Search as a Bonus Action to make a Wisdom (Survival) check to track or find a trail, and you roll with Advantage when you do so.

Level 3: Tactical Techniques

You gain one of the following feature options of your choice.

 *Collateral Mark. Once per turn when you make an attack with a weapon against the target of your Hunter's Mark, you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different enemy creature that is within the weapon's range.

 *Persistent Attrition. Once per turn when you make an attack with a weapon targeting a creature that has less than their maximum Hit Points, you may add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to both hit and damage.

Level 3: Whatever Works

When you roll Initiative, you can replace your currently chosen Tactical Techniques option with the other option. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all uses when you finish a Long Rest.

Strategic. When you reach Ranger level 7, when you use this feature you can also replace your currently chosen Strategic Sustainment option with the other option. You can switch either or both feature options as you prefer.

Pragmatic. When you reach Ranger level 11, when you use this feature you can also replace your currently chosen Pragmatic Practices option with the other option. You can switch options for one, two, or all three features as you prefer.

Procedural. When you reach Ranger level 15, when you use this feature you can also replace your currently chosen Preservation Procedures option with the other option. You can switch options for one, some, or all four features as you prefer.

Level 7: Strategic Sustainment

You gain one of the following feature options of your choice.

 *Adaptive Defense. When a creature hits you with an attack roll, that creature has Disadvantage on all other attack rolls against you until the start of your next turn.

 *Death Mark. You may change the damage type of your Hunter's Mark from Force to a damage type that you know the marked target is vulnerable to. In addition, when your Hunter's Mark would end while the current mark is alive and on the same plane of existence, you may expend a spell slot or a use of Favored Enemy (no action required) to renew the Duration of the spell on the same target, regardless of the distance between you. Finally, you can maintain Concentration on Hunter's Mark while taking a Long Rest.

Level 11: Pragmatic Practices

You gain one of the following feature options of your choice.

 *Sniper's Mark. If you have the Hide action's Invisible condition, making an attack against the target of your Hunter's Mark doesn't end that condition on you if you end your turn behind Three-Quarters Cover or Total Cover.

 *Target of Opportunity. When a creature that you can see starts or ends their turn within range of a weapon you are holding, you can take a Reaction to make a weapon attack against that creature with that weapon.

Level 15: Preservation Procedures

You gain one of the following feature options of your choice.

 *Evasion. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

 *Warding Mark. Once per turn when you are subjected to an effect by the target of your Hunter's Mark that allows you to make a saving throw, you can choose to gain Advantage on that saving throw.