D&D 5e 2024

Herbal Brews

The following list describes Herbal Brew recipes which can be selected by characters that have the Herbal Brewer feature or the Herbal Brewmaster feat.

A creature that is proficient with Herbalism Kits and knows the recipe for a brew can use an Herbalism Kit, 25 GP of raw material, and 8 hours of work to make that brew.


Some Herbal Brews take the form of beverages and affect any creature that drinks them.

As an Action or Bonus Action during their turn, a creature with a free hand can expend a brew of this kind by drinking it. Generally a creature would deliberately drink such a brew to gain its benefits, but a creature might consume a brew not knowing what it does, or might be tricked into drinking it. In such a case a creature can succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to resist the effect.

Beverage Effects
Accelerating For a duration of 1d4 hours, the recipient's Speed increases by 10 feet, their base jumping distances are doubled, they gain advantage on Dexterity ability checks (including initiative rolls) and saving throws, and during their turn they can Dash as a Bonus Action. When the effect ends the recipient suffers a level of exhaustion unless they succeed on a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 15 plus the number of hours the effect was active.
Clarifying For a duration of 1d4 hours, the recipient is immune to the Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, and Frightened conditions. If the recipient is already suffering from any of those conditions when they consume this brew, those conditions are ended.
Enamoring For the next 1d4 hours, the disposition of creatures that share a creature type with the recipient are improved towards them by one step upon initial contact, from Hostile to Indifferent and from Indifferent to Friendly. Additionally, the recipient has Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks targeting Friendly creatures they share a creature type with. When the effect ends the recipient suffers a level of exhaustion unless they succeed on a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 15 plus the number of hours the effect was active.
Napping A recipient that is not immune to magical sleep falls into a deep slumber for 1 hour unless awoken by taking damage or being slapped awake. If the recipient sleeps the full hour they gain the benefits of a Long Rest, and also gain immunity to magical sleep for 24 hours.
Perceiving For a duration of 1d4 hours, the recipient gains blindsight, tremorsense, and truesight, with a range equal to the recipient's Proficiency Bonus multiplied by 15 feet. When the effect ends the recipient suffers a level of exhaustion unless they succeed on a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 15 plus the number of hours the effect was active.
Vitalizing The recipient regains 1d4 hit points immediately and regains 1d4 hit point at the start of each of their turns for 1d4 minutes. This brew does not work on Undead or Constructs.


Some Herbal Brews take the form of grenades which explode in a splash of liquid or a puff of dust or smoke when thrown and affect creatures within an area.

When you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with throwing a brew of this kind at a target point you can see within 20 feet of yourself, where it explodes in a 5-foot-radius Sphere. Each creature in that Sphere must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or suffer the effects of the brew.

Grenade Effects
Confounding Creatures that fail their save become cursed. While suffering from this curse, a creature is mentally befuddled and has the Restrained condition. Each affected creature may succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the curse upon themselves. The curse can also be removed from a creature by spells such as Remove Curse or Greater Restoration, and similar effects.
Coughing Creatures that fail their save are overcome by an intense coughing fit until the end of their next turn that prevents verbal interactions including the casting of spells with a verbal component and the issuance of verbal commands. Creatures that do not need to breathe air are immune to this effect. Furthermore, a cloud of smoke persists within the 5-foot-radius Sphere for 1d4 additional rounds unless a strong wind disperses it. The area of the cloud is lightly obscured, and a creature that ends their turn within the cloud must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer the same effect.
Enfeebling Creatures that fail their save become cursed. While suffering from this curse, a creature feels weak and clumsy and has Disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity based d20 Tests. An affected creature may succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns to end the curse upon themselves. The curse can also be removed from a creature by spells such as Remove Curse or Greater Restoration, and similar effects.
Invigorating Creatures that fail their save are enveloped in a cloud of soothing mist. The misty cloud persists within the 5-foot-radius Sphere for 1d4 additional rounds unless a strong wind disperses it. The area of the cloud is lightly obscured, and all creatures other than Undead or Constructs that start their turn within the cloud regain Hit Points equal to 2d4 plus their Constitution modifier (minimum 0).
Lethening Creatures that fail their save become cursed. While suffering from this curse, a creature is mentally unfocused, has the Stunned condition, and forgets the prior 6 seconds of their life. An affected creature may succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw at the start of each of their turns to end the curse upon themselves. The curse can also be removed from a creature by spells such as Remove Curse or Greater Restoration, and similar effects. Creatures do not regain their lost memories when the curse ends, but at the DM's discretion certain magics or circumstances may be able to restore them.
Poxing Creatures that fail their save become cursed. While suffering from this curse, a creature breaks out in an unsightly pox and has Disadvantage on all Charisma d20 Tests except Charisma (Intimidation). An affected creature may succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the curse upon themselves. The curse can also be removed from a creature by spells such as Remove Curse or Greater Restoration, and similar effects.

Topical Treatments

Some Herbal Brews take the form of creams, lotions, salves, ointments, unguents, aerosol sprays, perfumes, or some other topical treatment. A creature may apply these treatments to themselves or to a willing adjacent creature, who gains the benefit of the brew.

A creature can expend this brew, spend 1 minute, and use both hands to apply it to themselves or to an adjacent creature that does not move away or resist.

Topical Treatment Effects
Curing The recipient may spend one of their available Hit Dice to remove a condition that they have from themselves in the following order: Petrified, Paralyzed, Stunned, Poisoned, Blinded, Deafened, or one level of Exhaustion. The recipient may repeat this process until they have no more Hit Dice to spend or have no more of the listed conditions to remove.
Surviving If the recipient is subjected to an effect that would kill them instantaneously without dealing damage, that effect is instead negated. Alternately, the first time the creature would drop to 0 Hit Points as a result of taking damage, the creature instead drops to a number of Hit Points equal to how many unexpended Hit Dice they currently have. Either outcome ends the effect immediately, otherwise the effect ends when the recipient completes a Long Rest.
Warding When you make this brew, you must choose a specific damage type. The recipient gains Immunity to that damage type for a duration of 1d4 hours. If the recipient is already benefiting from a Warding brew when another one is applied, the effect of the earlier Warding brew ends.

Weapon Oils

Some Herbal Brews take the form of an oily substance which is applied to a weapon or a clutch of ammunition (usually prior to combat). A weapon treated with one of these brews inflicts some ill effect upon a creature hit by the weapon, in addition to the normal damage of the weapon strike.

A creature can expend this brew, spend 1 minute, and use both hands to coat 1 melee weapon or up to 3 pieces of ammunition in their possession with an oily coating. Once applied, the brew remains potent until the weapon or piece of ammunition is used to make a successful attack, at which point it has the described effects and that weapon or piece of ammunition is no longer coated.

Weapon Oil Effects
Festering A creature hit by an attack using a coated weapon or piece of ammunition must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become cursed. Creatures that are Constructs, or that are Immune to Necrotic damage, or that are already affected by this brew automatically succeed on this saving throw. While suffering from this curse a creature cannot regain Hit Points. In addition, at the end of each of their turns the creature also takes 2d4 Necrotic damage and may then succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to remove this curse. The curse can also be removed from a creature by spells such as Remove Curse or Greater Restoration, and similar effects.
Poisoning A creature hit by an attack using a coated weapon or piece of ammunition must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become cursed. Creatures that are Immune to Poison damage or the Poisoned condition, or that are already affected by this brew automatically succeed on this saving throw. While suffering from this curse a creature has the Poisoned condition and their Speed is reduced by 10 feet. In addition, at the end of each of their turns the creature suffers 2d4 Poison damage and may then succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to remove this curse. The curse can also be removed from a creature by spells such as Remove Curse or Greater Restoration, and similar effects.
Toxifying A creature hit by an attack using a coated weapon or piece of ammunition must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become cursed. Creatures that are Immune to Acid damage or the Paralayzed condition, or that are already affected by this brew automatically succeed on this saving throw. While suffering from this curse the creature has the Paralyzed condition. In addition, at the end of each of their turns the creature suffers 2d4 Acid damage and may then succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to remove this curse. The curse can also be removed from a creature by spells such as Remove Curse or Greater Restoration, and similar effects.