This simple wooden staff is topped with a red gemstone.
Fire Staff. This staff can be wielded as a Quarterstaff with a +1 bonus to hit and damage, and can be used as an spellcasting focus. When used as an spellcasting focus a flame appears within the gem, shedding reddish orange Bright Light within a 10-foot radius, and Dim Light for another 10 feet.
Fun Sized. As a Bonus Action you can cause this staff to shrink to the size of a baton, or back again to full length. While baton sized, it can be wielded as a Club, and you gain +1 to hit and damage with ranged spell attacks that deal Fire damage if you use it as a spellcasting focus.
Defensive. You gain +1 AC while holding this item with 1 hand, or +2 AC when you hold it with 2 hands.
The following abilities are unlocked for an attuned character of the indicated character level or higher.