Unquenchable Spark

Staff of Wigandia (Fabled)

This simple wooden staff is topped with a red gemstone.

Fire Staff. This staff can be wielded as a Quarterstaff with a +1 bonus to hit and damage, and can be used as an spellcasting focus. When used as an spellcasting focus a flame appears within the gem, shedding reddish orange Bright Light within a 10-foot radius, and Dim Light for another 10 feet.

Attuned Abilities

Fun Sized. As a Bonus Action you can cause this staff to shrink to the size of a baton, or back again to full length. While baton sized, it can be wielded as a Club, and you gain +1 to hit and damage with ranged spell attacks that deal Fire damage if you use it as a spellcasting focus.

Defensive. You gain +1 AC while holding this item with 1 hand, or +2 AC when you hold it with 2 hands.

Fabled Abilities

The following abilities are unlocked for an attuned character of the indicated character level or higher.

Fabled Ability
Fortified. Once per Dawn, you can choose to take no damage when a critical hit is scored against you while you are holding this item.
Flaming. When you make a melee attack with this item and hit, you deal an additional 1d6 Fire damage.
Bonus. This weapon has an additional +1 bonus to hit and damage.
Fortified. You can use the Fortified ability twice per Dawn.