Player Classes


I am very satisfied with the changes made to Cleric overall. However, I do have some concerns around Divine Intervention. It is basically Limited Wish, and most use cases don't worry me too much. However, using it to evade the usual casting restrictions of powerful spells like Hallow is concerning if spammed. To curb the power of this ability, I'm making the following simple change to Clerics:

Level 10: Divine Intervention

If you use this feature to cast a spell with a casting time of more than 1 minute, you can't use this feature again until you finish 1d4 Long Rests (instead of a single Long Rest).

War Domain

I was unhappy with this subclass in 2014, and while the 2024 version is better it still doesn't quite match the fantasy of a martial cleric for our group. Thus, I provide a variant / full replacement for the War Domain.