Unbowed Hero

Sister Esvel
Class: Cleric (War): 11   Proficiency BonusPB: +4
Alignment: Lawful Good Speed: 30 feet
Hit PointsHP: 102   Hit DiceHD: 11d8 AC: 21/25
Resistances: B/P/S, 2 others, Immune to eye contact based effects (Helm)
STR: 18 (+4) Save: +4
Athletics: +8
INT: 8 (-1) Save: -1
Religion: +3
DEX: 10 (+0) Save: +0
Initiative: +4
WIS: 18 (+4) Save: +8
Perception: +8, Survival: +8
CON: 15 (+2) Save: +6
CHA: 8 (-1) Save: +3
Persuasion: +3
Other Info
Height: 6' 3'' Weight: 185 lbs Lineage: Human (humanoid) Gender: Female Size: Medium
AppearanceLooks: Fair skin, gray eyes, black hair, sturdy athletic build. Temperament: Battle-hardened and steady as solid stone. Flaws: Very (very) serious, Single-minded
Traits: Generous, Virtuous, Steady
Hone the body, discipline the soul
Ideals: Ulaa Protects: it is your duty to inspire and protect Ulaa's flock. Bonds: Courage, Duty, and Valor.
Dwarf-friend, 'Ulaa is my Rock'
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Orcish Proficiencies: All Weapons, All Armors, Shields, Cartographer's Tools
Attuned: Toilgifter, Heavy Plate of Glory, Oaken Bower Shield
Gear: Dimensional Satchel, Amulet of Ulaa (Holy Symbol)
Human Heroic Inspiration after Long Rest. Perception, Alert.
Baron's Surplus Child: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, Athletics, Survival, Tough.
Tough: Your maximum Hit Points are increased by 2 per character level.
Alert: You have proficiency with Initiative. Immediately after Initiative is resolved, you can swap yours with a willing non-Incapacitated ally in the same combat.
War Caster: +1 Wisdom. You have Advantage on Concentration saving throws. When a creature provokes an Opportunity Attack from you by leaving your reach you can instead take a Reaction to cast a spell with a casting time of one action that targets only that creature. You can perform Somatic components while holding weapons or a Shield.
Stylish Fighting: +1 Strength. Defense (You have +1 AC while wearing armor).
Class: Cleric (War)
Class Features: Spellcasting (WIS, Spell Save DC: 16), Divine Order: Protector (Proficiency with Martial weapons and Heavy Armor), Channel Divinity (Divine Spark, Sear Undead, Guided Strike, War God's Blessing) []/LR regain 1/SR, ASI: Warcaster (+1 Wis), EXTRA ATTACK, Divine Strike (Once per your turn, deal extra 1d8 Necrotic or Radiant damage on weapon hit), ASI: Stylish Fighting (+1 Str), Divine Intervention
Cantrips: Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame, Word of Radiance, Mending
Spells: Protection from Evil & Good, Angelic Guardian, Healing Word, Gird Essence, Command, Lesser Restoration, Guiding Bolt, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Spiritual Weapon, Prayer of Healing, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Crusader's Mantle, Spirit Guardians, Revivify, Daylight, Freedom of Movement, Staggering Smite, Guardian of Faith, Stone Shape, Summon Celestial, Banishing Smite, Steel Wind Strike, Greater Restoration, Heal
Spell Slots: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
Subclass Features
Level 3: War Domain Spells: You always have War Domain Spells prepared. Spells. Guiding Bolt, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Spiritual Weapon, Crusader's Mantle, Spirit Guardians, Freedom of Movement, Staggering Smite, Banishing Smite, Steel Wind Strike
Level 3: Guided Strikes: When you or a creature within 30 feet of you misses with an attack roll, you can expend one use of your Channel Divinity and give that roll a +10 bonus, potentially causing it to hit. When you use this feature to benefit another creature's attack roll, you must take a Reaction to do so.
Level 3: War God's Blessing: You can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to cast Shield of Faith or Spiritual Weapon rather than expending a spell slot. When you cast either spell in this way, the spell doesn't require Concentration. Instead, the spell lasts for 1 minute, but it ends early if you cast the spell again, have the Incapacitated condition, or die.
Level 6: Battle Prayer: When you take the Attack action on your turn, you may replace one of the attacks with a casting of one of your Cleric cantrips that has a casting time of an action.
Level 6: Extra Attack: You can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Armor and Attacks
Armor: Heavy Plate of Glory & Oaken Bower Shield: 21/25 AC
  Great Helm: Bonus Action on/off, on: +1 AC (included), Immune to eye contact based effects
  Mantled in Glory: Bonus Action on/off, on: +1 AC (included), Adv on CHA save
Attacks: Toilgifter 1h, 5-feet, +9 to hit, 1d8+1d4+4 damage, Warpick [Piercing] or Warhammer [Bludgeoning]
  Divine Strike +1d8 Necrotic or Radiant damage 1/Turn
  Punishing: ignores Resistance to Piercing and Bludgeoning damage.
  Siege: Double damage vs inanimate objects and structures
Sacred Flame 60-feet, DC 16 Dex save, 3d8 Radiant damage, (no cover bonus)
Word of Radiance 0-feet, DC 16 Con save, 3d6 Radiant damage, 5-foot Emanation (selective)
Expanded Spells
Angelic Guardian: Level 1 Conjuration (Cleric, Paladin), Action, 60-feet, M (Holy Symbol), Concentration, up to 1 hour. You conjure a celestial manifestation to protect a visible creature other than yourself within range. For the duration, the target gains +2 AC. If the target fails a saving throw, the target instead succeeds on the saving throw and this spell ends immediately.
Gird Essence: Level 1 Abjuration (Cleric, Paladin), Reaction, 30-feet, M (Holy Symbol), 1 minute per character level. When you or a visible creature within range would suffer ability score or maximum hit point reduction, you may cast this spell on that creature. For the duration of this spell, the target is immune to having their ability scores or maximum hit points reduced.