Torn Reality

Many variants of this Multiversal Glitch have been encountered directly or by inference, including deceased remains or recovered possessions. The variants all have a similar backstory, the daughter or rarely the son of a Pomarjian Baron on the world of Oerth in the years before that benighted land fell to humanoids. In some cases a given variant was the sitting ruler of the fief when it fell, in others they were not, but regardless of the specifics the fall of the Bowen Barony to villainous hordes is a touchstone element of this glitch.

Some of the variants are determined to win back their land, others seek vengeance against one or more specific parties or more abstractly some group or ideology. All of the variants encountered thus far have been martially inclined though many are also religous or zealous. Most variants worship the Oerthian mountain goddess Ulaa but some worship the volcanic Joramy instead. Despite these permutations, this glitch is known across the board for their courage, unflaggingly heroic demeanor, and deadliness in close combat.


Fabled Items

The many variants of the Multiversal Glitch known as the Unbowed Hero often bear some combination of the following signature magic items. All known variants have carried the mighty Oaken Bower Shield.