Player Classes


I'm very happy with the changes to the barbarian base class in 2024, and am keen on the all of the subclasses except the Path of the Wild Heart.

Path of the Wild Heart

I do not like where this subclass ended up at all. As I see it, the Berserker offers the purist option that heightens the core idea of the class (barbarian with a side of more barbarian), the Zealot offers a divine hybrid with a good mix of self and team support and extra damage, and the World Tree offers a mystical controlly-tanky option that takes the class in an interesting direction.

This is where the issues with Wild Heart begin...what concept and niche is it meant to fill? I could get behind the idea of the Wild Heart as a nature hybrid kinda-sorta no-spells ranger, mirroring the Zealot as a kinda-sorta no-spells paladin. But while the World Tree isn't really nature based as the "tree" it's themed around is a metaphysical concept, it still crowds the 'nature' shtick somewhat (fluff text refers to 'branches' and 'tendrils' of the World Tree).

The Zealot's features cover the abstraction of classic paladin abilities (quick healing, radiant damage, team combat support), and it seems like the features on offer for the Wild Heart may be attempting to cover a similar abstraction of classic ranger abilities (skirmishing, nature affinity, exploration utility). But if that was the intent, it seems half baked or awkward to me.

Concept and niche considerations aside, the other three barbarian subclasses on offer get really compelling abilities that evoke a strong desire in players to pick them. However, the Wild Heart gets a grab bag of some really strong options intermixed with situational or sub par options that overall just isn't as compelling in my opinion.

Thus, I provide a variant / full replacement for the Path of the Wild Heart that refocuses the class as a self-buffing feral / totemic / tarzan / mowgli sort of barbarian, primal and at home in the wilderness.