Range: Special; see description.
Effect: Voice provides justification for affecting the narrative or influencing others through conversation, oratory, song, and so forth. At higher steps it also allows a character to make sonic attacks or use extreme decibels to distract or deafen others.
At d4 a character is able to be heard above a crowd or considerable background noise, hit a perfect pitch, get peoples immediate attention, and other mundane vocal feats.
At d6 a character may step down Voice and use it as if it were a Ranged sonic attack vs a single target in their own zone. Additionally, at this step Voice can be used to attempt to apply Assets such as 'Inspired' or Complications such as 'Entranced' or 'Deafened'; however such Assets or Complications cannot exceed the character's Voice trait step at the time they are put into play.
At d8 a character may step Voice down twice and use it as if it were Persuasion. Additionally when a character uses Voice to make a sonic attack or to create an Asset or Complication they may do so as if the character has the Area Effect SFX; however if they do then they must target everyone in the affected area including allies and bystanders.
At d10 when a character uses Voice to affect all targets within their zone they may instead affect their zone and all adjacent zones. Incidentally, the character can project their voice at a volume sufficient to be heard from many zones away, barring something that blocks sound.
At d12 when a character uses Voice to affect all targets within their zone they may instead affect all zones in the current Scene (GM's discretion applies). Incidentally, the character can project their voice at a volume sufficient to be heard across great distances, barring something that blocks sound.
Common SFX: Voice can intrinsically affect groups of people (as described); the Area Affect SFX is not required.
The Persuasive SFX allows a character to use Voice as if it were Persuasion without stepping it down; but if they do so both 1's and 2's in the rolled result are treated as opportunities by their opponents.
The Selective SFX allows a character to choose to exclude one or more targets within range of their voice; for instance they could make a sonic attack or apply a Complication that excluded allies and bystanders and only affected enemies.
Common Limits: When used to influence or affect living targets, the target must be able to hear the character using Voice and this doesn't justify taking a Limit on it; note that when using Voice as a sonic attack to do damage this restriction does not apply. Similarly a character deprived of their ability to vocalize, or who finds themselves in a medium that hampers or prevents sound waves (such as underwater or in SPAAAAAAAACE!!!!), must either step down their Voice trait or not be able to use it at all at the GM's discretion; this does not justify taking a Limit on it.
The Songbird Limit represents a character that can only use Voice while singing.
The Screamer Limit represents a version of Voice that can only be used at high volume.