Conjuration is used by a character to exert change upon their surroundings by manifesting objects from elsewhere or 'out of thin air'. A character usually has control over the things they've conjured, although conjured items can be lent out for others to use.
Effect: Conjuration is usually used on actions to add a Asset to the Scene that simulates a conjured 'construct' of some sort that is under the conjurer's control. The Asset can be added to subsequent dice pools to represent the conjured 'construct' lending its aid to the conjurer or their allies as relevant. These 'constructs' can also be used to provide narrative justification; for instance a conjured ship can greatly aid travel across a body of water.
At d4 Conjuration manifests as a minor object of limited usefulness, like a doll or a stick or simple clothing.
At d6 Conjuration manifests as a useful object or a creditable threat such as a lock pick or a dagger or an arrow, or a group of d4 constructs.
At d8 Conjuration manifests as a very useful object such as a shield or a sword or a boat, or a clutch of d6 constructs, or a group of d4 constructs.
At d10 Conjuration manifests as an extremely useful object such as a wagon or a small ship or a cabin or a telescope or a complex weapon, or a clutch of d8 constructs, or a group of d6 constructs, or a lot of d4 constructs.
At d12 Conjuration manifests as a supremely useful object such as a fortification or a large ship or a seige engine, or a clutch of d10 constructs, or a group of d8 constructs, or a lot of d6 constructs, or many d4 constructs.
Conjuring an object of superior quality is allowed, at the next higher Ability set die rating; thus conjuring a superior sword is possible at Conjuration: d10.
Common SFX: The Constructs SFX can be taken to improve a character's Conjuration capabilities.
The Telesensory SFX can be taken to allow a character to share sensory information with one or more of their conjured items.
Common Limits: Conjuration is often paired with the Spell Components Limit to represent the necessity for mystic passes, incantations, and / or material components, but this is not required.
Conjuration is often paired with a Limit that narrows what kinds of things can be conjured, but this isn't required.