Range: Stretching has a range of self.
Effect: Stretching is usually used on actions to cause Complications, attacks to cause Body damage, reactions to avoid harm or Complications, and to provide narrative justification for doing things that characters who lack this peculiar but flexible ability are unable to.
At d4 Stretching a character can easily escape from conventional restraints, and are very difficult to grapple with.
At d6 Stretching a character can use their stretched limbs to reach accessible places within their own zone. Additionally, at this step a character can step down Stretching and use it as if it were Durability.
At d8 Stretching a character can use their stretched limbs to reach accessible places in adjacent zones. Additionally, at this step a character can step down Stretching and use it as if it were Unarmed.
At d10 Stretching a character can use their stretched limbs to reach accessible places several zones away. Additionally, at this step a character can step down Stretching and use it as if it were Strength.
At d12 Stretching a character can use their stretched limbs to reach accessible places many zones away.
Common SFX: The Rubberband SFX can be applied to allow a character to step down Stretching and use it as Leaping.
Common Limits: The Always On Limit can be applied to indicate that a character always has a deformed body and cannot turn off their Stretching trait.