SFX: Druidic Blessing Of Spring Breezes: You may add Leaping at no cost on a reaction even if surprised.
SFX: Gift of Knowing: You may spend one (1) Plot Point to add Senses (or step up if already in your pool) and reroll all dice on a reaction.
SFX: Gift of Willing: Step up and double your Transmutation effect die for one action, then step back your Transmutation trait. Recover by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.
SFX: Gift of Deceiving: Spend one (1) Plot Point to add a Figment to the current Scene. The Figment takes the form of an illusion of a living creature affecting normal sight, hearing, and smell. This Figment can move around independently of you and appear to take actions; however it has no effect beyond tricking people. Attempts to see thru the illusion are resisted by your Tier + Psyche + 2d6. An attack against or attempt to touch the Figment will dispel it, as will the end of the Scene. You can dispel the Figment at will.
SFX: Double Shot: You may step down and double Ranged on an attack, and keep an additional effect die for one additional target.
Limit: Non-Urban: Gain one (1) Plot Point to step up Ego Stress or Complications when in urban environments.
Limit: Self Absorbed: Gain one (1) Plot Point to step up Ego Stress or Complications related to social interaction with other people.