Becomes a large wolf
Protective and warm
Gutting and hide scraping
When an outsider looks at Spatz they see a large, hulking, dangerously feral barbarian...and they are not wrong as Spatz is exactly that. He's burly. He's scruffy. He wears no shoes. His finger and toe nails are claw-like and sharp. His icy blue eyes always seem to have a predatory look about them, and pierce the heart of all but the bravest. He has basically no social graces to speak of, and when it rains he smells like a wet dog. Bearing the ancient blood curse of his clan, Spatzenjagr is a Wulfwaren...i.e. a werewolf. Even in human form his claw-like finger and toe nails and sharp feral teeth are a threat to the unwary and he needs no weapon; thus he carries only a large hunting knife which he mostly uses as a tool. He also wears no armor other than a thick fur mantle patched together from the hides of things he's killed and eaten. He wears his tartan in the traditional manner of his clan, as a isn't particularly clean.