Intangibility is used by a character to alter their own solidity and potentially (with the application of SFX) that of other characters. In addition to being incredibly useful for infiltration, Intangibility at higher steps also provides potent damage avoidance.
Effect: Intangibility is usually used on reactions to avoid harm or Complications, and to provide narrative justification for doing things that tangible characters are unable to.
At d4 Intangibility a character can alter their solidity sufficiently to be less affected by blunt force, and to slowly move through highly porous or permeable obstacles such as fences or gates.
At d6 Intangibility a character can pass through fine grates or through cracks between objects. Additionally, at this step a character can step down Intangibility and use it as if it were Durability.
At d8 Intangibility a character can pass through normal density matter and vice versa.
At d10 Intangibility a character can pass through high density matter and most energy fields and vice versa.
At d12 Intangibility a character can pass normally through virtually anything and vice versa unless something out of the ordinary is present in the narrative.
Common SFX: The Passenger SFX can be applied to allow a character to carry another character and extend their Intangibility to them.
The Disruption SFX can be applied to allow a character using Intangibility as part of an attack when passing through living things to add a d6 and step up the effect die.
The Short Circuit SFX can be applied to allow a character to use Intangibility as an attack when passing through electrical things.
The Collateral Damage SFX can be applied to allow a character to keep an extra effect die when using Intangibility during an Action Scene and apply it as major structural damage to whatevever solid substance they are traveling through or as a Complication on the Scene.
Common Limits: The Held Breath Limit can be applied to indicate a character who can only stay intangible for as long as they can hold their breath.
The No Interaction Limit can be applied to indicate a character who cannot interact with other objects and characters in the material world while using Intangibility.
The Always On Limit can be applied to indicate that a character is always intangible and cannot turn off their Intangibility trait.