Illusion is used by a character to exert change upon their surroundings by distorting the perceptions of others with false sensory information. While illusory manifestations aren't actually real, people who are fooled by them act and react as if they are.
To create 'illusions' that have a material presense and can affect the real world, the Summoning or Conjuration Abilities should be taken instead with the justification that the things summoned or conjured are 'illusions'. Including some combination of these Abilities in an Ability set with an Illusionist theme works well.
Effect: Illusion is usually used on actions to create or remove an Asset or Complication, or to establish changes to how a given scene has been set via narration.
At d4 Illusion manifests as a minor non-threatening and unanimated sensory alteration called a figment which cannot deceive anyone but can amuse or annoy.
At d6 Illusion manifests as a simple illusion affecting a single sense such as illusory clothes that fool sight but not touch, or complex figments affecting one sense.
At d8 Illusion manifests as a simple but believable illusion that affects all five standard senses, or elaborate multisensory figments capable of covering a large area.
At d10 Illusion manifests as a complex and convincing illusion that affects all five standard senses and many unusual senses capable of covering a large area; however everyone in the affected area experiences the same illusion. At this rating the difference between figments and full illusions becomes moot; it is the character's choice whether to allow those affected to realize they are experiencing an illusion or not.
At d12 Illusion manifests as a supremely complex and elaborate illusion that affects all five standard senses and most unusual senses which are capable of presenting an alternate reality from the perspective of those affected. Further it is possible for individuals within the affected area to experience a personalized illusion rather than a shared one.
Using Illusion requires maintenance; each panel a character uses Illusion they can only move a zone and maintain their control. They cannot take some other action without releasing their control. Reactions can be made as usual.
Awareness and Senses defend against Illusions where relevant.
Common SFX: Illusion works against all sentient living creatures who can perceive the Assets or Complications put into play via the Illusion power; this does not require the Area Affect SFX or something similar, it is built into the Ability.
Illusion usually requires maintenance, however the Effortless SFX can be applied to remove this restriction. This is very powerful; a GM may require some Limit to also be taken to curb abuse.
The Hallucinatory SFX can be applied to represent mental Illusions that are projected directly into the minds of others; this kind of Illusion is resisted by Psyche and Willpower instead of Awareness and Senses.
Common Limits: Illusion requires constant concentration, if a character is stressed out or knocked unconscious their Illusion ends; this doesn't justify taking a Limit such as Activated on it.
A custom Limit can be applied to restrict a character's Illusion to a narrow type of illusion, such as Illusory Terrain Only or Entertainment Only.