Shield allows characters to avoid Body Stress and Trauma and some Complications if narratively justified, and to potentially protect someone or something else if it is adjacent to or behind them. Shield can be used to represent a physical object or projection, or an energy construct such as a force field or a mystical or psychic screen; a Limit may be applicable depending upon the nature of a given character's Shield.
By default Shield is directional, protecting from damage originating from the other side of whichever direction the shield is currently oriented. However, since zones are abstracted and there are no facing rules for characters, this is left to narrative interpretation of when a character's Shield is relevant and when it is not.
By default Shield cannot be used if a character is unconscious or unable to protect themselves.
Effect: Shield is almost always used against Physical or Energy attacks, whether the intent is to inflict Stress or a Complication by harming the character.
Shield may situationally be added to the reaction dice pool of others, and provides narrative justification for an attack against some other target to instead be resolved against the character with Shield when relevant. In this way, others can shelter behind the character with Shield, and also the character with Shield may react to attacks that are made against others within their vicinity, when it makes sense to the narrative.
Shield may also be used as a battering attack or to help push against other things.
Common SFX: Shield can be paired with the Aura SFX to allow nearby allies to use the character's Ability trait all the time without requiring any further narrative justification.
The Omnidirectional SFX can be applied to allow Shield to offer full protection from all directions.
The Persistent SFX can be applied to allow Shield to continue to offer protection even if the character is unconscious or unable to protect themselves.
The Mental Bulwark SFX can be applied to allow Shield to also protect against Ego based Stress, Trauma, and Complications.
Common Limits: By default Shield is assumed to be situational and directional, this is not worth a Limit.
Shield can be combined with the Gear SFX to represent a literal, physical shield.
The Physical Only Limit can be applied for a form of Shield that only works versus Physical effects.
The Energy Only Limit can be applied for a form of Shield that only works versus Energy effects.
The Vulnerability Limit can be applied to indicate a given character can't use their Shield to protect against a specific kind of attack.