Group Relations |
The group is very new and as of yet untested
by serious engagements. However, some interpersonal
dynamics have already started to develop.
The quiet, serious, polite Neuro privately
dislikes the loud boisterous Seizure. Neuro
respects Prefab's abilities and can respect
his disinterest in social matters, but is
put off by his abruptness; however Neuro
recognizes that when the action is going
down or the group is presenting a public
face, Prefab falls into character and almost
seems to become another person -- a true
hero. As far as Harrier is concerned...well,
Neuro might be a wee bit smitten with her,
but does a decent job of concealing it.
Harrier is still riding on the buzz of being
a real honest to goodness superhero, with
a base and everything! She's so bouyed up
by it that she barely even notices or minds
Seizure's constant hitting on her, or Prefab's
total detachment, or Neuro's long silences.
However, as time passes reality may settle
in a bit differently upon her outlook.
Out of combat Seizure hits on Harrier every
chance he gets, but its a kind of clumsy
jockish "you're standing here so you must
want me to harass you" kind of way. Seizure
has little real respect for the obese toy
using Prefab, but is smart enough to realize
it would be unwise to antagonize him --
he's seen what that gun can do! Neuro gets
a kind of grudging respect, but all of Seizure's
best attempts to be buddy buddy have met
with failure.
Prefab considers the other three idiots,
with only Harrier showing the faintest inkling
of being not totally worthless intellectually
due to her leadership decisions usually
not totally sucking...usually. Suprisingly
however Prefab seems to like the company
of Powderkeg which seems to be returned;
the two complete opposites (the obese genius
and the bodybuilding featherhead) are oftentimes
seen together outside of team activities.
Powderkeg has been known to sit for hours
in Prefab's lab quietly pumping iron on
a complex but nearly silent workout machine
he built for her, while he tinkers away.
Powderkeg also has Prefab on a new diet
she makes for him herself that she claims
is guaranteed to melt the fat off of him.
For her part Powderkeg seems to find it
comforting to have someone who accepts her
for who she is, doesn't find her passion
for bodybuilding freakish, and is willing
to guide her through the tougher conundrums
that confront her limited intellect daily,
and Prefab seems to like having a female
companion who doesn't talk much and doesn't
nag him when he's working; he also respects
the devotion with which she pursues her
hobby of body building. It may not be true
love or even intimate (they aint saying),
but they seem happy with whatever budding
relationship they have going.
Public Relations |
As noted, Makeshift and Apex were popularly
expected to make the team easily based upon
their accomplishments and superior capabilities,
and there was a bit of backlash in the press
and among fans when this didn't occur. Some
of this backlash polluted public opinion
of Aegis, and a rumor that Apex and Makeshift
chose not to join because they did not believe
in being paid to be a superhero has lead
to a perception that Aegis members are "heroes
for hire" or represent the interests of
Aesir over that of the public.
Some critics also ding the group for being
green and very narrow in scope. There is
also even a segment of onlinr supers-afficianados
that tend to mock Prefab's addition to the
roster mercilously; Preflab is the nicest
of the epiteths that have been attached
to him on some message boards. It does not
help that none of Aegis seem to have any
star power or a media-friendly personality
except Seizure, and not so coincidentally
he's the only member of the group that is
generally not discounted and even liked
in some quarters.
However, as the team has opportunities to
prove themselves, success will improve their
image and find them more supported by the
population of the city.
- The PC's are investigating a crime that
leads them to San Diego...where they [meet
up with | mistakenly run afoul of] AEGIS!
- The Violators attack a facility
in the PC's city. Investigating the crime
in the aftermath, the PC's discover via
PRIMUS files that Aegis has some experience
vs. the Violators. The PC's seek out Aegis
for more information on the Violators.
- An inexperienced solo hero needs some allies
on occasion to fight tougher foes, or just
to get noticed. They move to San Diego and
approach the team for membership. Made an
auxillary member, the PC hero has time for
solo adventures, and on occasion will accompany
one or more of the Aegis team on various
missions and investigations.